It’s common knowledge that Donald Trump loves watching cable news. Now an environmental group is taking advantage of the president’s bad habit to raise awareness about the dangers of climate change.

The Partnership for Responsible Group – a nonprofit dedicated to fighting climate change while maintaining economic growth – has sponsored a series of five ads aimed at shaking up Trump and other climate-denying politicians.

In one ad, the absurdity of ignoring the scientific consensus on climate change is likened to that of ignoring the opinions of dentists, structural engineers, and airline workers.

Another ad features a father and son fishing in a scary near-future in which sea levels have risen to engulf their town.

Over the course of the year, PRC will air five ads on stations that Trump is known to watch, including Fox, CNN, and MSNBC.

The campaign was developed by Fenton Communications, a “social change communications agency” that produces ads aimed at promoting human rights, environmental causes, education, and global development. Founder David Fenton said the ads are designed to:

“…Bring the truth about climate change to the Washington bubble … where pretty much all you ever see on television are ads from the fossil fuel industry about how great fossil fuels are for the country. That leaves out the impact of using them.”

But the ads are not only intended to push back against climate denial, but to promote solutions. PRC proposes a carbon tax on big polluters – a free-market policy that could attract conservative support. During his time as the CEO at ExxonMobil, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson endorsed the implementation of a carbon tax. Ronald Reagan’s former Secretary of State George Shultz, likewise, has expressed support for such a policy.

The U.S. is one of the only industrialized nations without a carbon tax. If implemented, the tax could yield an additional $4-7 trillion in revenue over 10 years.

While a Nixon-in-China moment on climate change isn’t out of the question for someone as mercurial as Trump, it’s hard to imagine these ads will sway most climate-denying, tax-averse Republicans – even though 2017 is expected to be yet another record-breaking year for average global temperatures.

Featured image via YouTube video.

climate change
Image from imgflp