Robert Reich posted a list of top 11 things Trump supporters need to hear. Here are five of the biggest ones. Next time any Trump supporters want to “educate” you, just throw any of these little nuggets at them:

1. He was sued for fraud.

He spent the whole 2016 election calling his opponent, Hillary Clinton, “Crooked Hillary” and calling her a crook. He spent $25 million to settle a fraud lawsuit.

2. He will never release his tax returns.

President Donald Trump is the first presidential candidate since the 1970s to not release his tax returns. He kept saying that he would release them when his audit was over, even though an audit doesn’t prevent him from releasing the tax returns. Even Trump supporters are starting to want Trump to release his tax returns.

3. He said he would surround himself with the best and the brightest.

Really? Let’s look at these best and brightest. One of his chief advisors is Breitbart News exec and racist Steve Bannon. The National Security Chair of his campaign and now Attorney General Jeff Sessions is under investigation in the Russia conspiracy. He has his daughter, Ivanka Trump, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, in key positions. They have zero government experience just like he does. His vice president, Mike Pence, is a theocratic loon. Yeah, these are the best and the brightest all right…

4. He complained about Obama’s vacations.

He has spent over $3 million in taxpayer money going to his Mar-a-Lago resort EVERY weekend. He goes golfing EVERY weekend.

5. He said he’d be beholden to no one.

He then nominated Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education, even though her only qualifications were the large sums of money she donated to his campaign. Many of his other cabinet appointments were people who had donated to him and/or endorsed him during the campaign.

Featured image via YouTube screenshot.