The past few months have been filled with the kind of moments that make sensible people think, “Am I in a Will Ferrell movie?”  I mean, we have experienced a presidential candidate who bragged about sexual assault, but still won the nomination.

We’ve lived through half a year (Oh, my God) of an elected American President who uses Twitter to explain his foreign policy. We have a President who can’t complete a sentence, who demonstrates all kinds of language and cognitive disabilities. An entire group of almost 50,000 mental health experts have weighed in to say that the President shows signs of a serious mental illness.

Every time President Trump opens his mouth, there is more evidence of his crumbling mental capacity.

The latest issue to arise for the President is his apparent belief in an imaginary friend.

Now, to be clear, it is perfectly normal for very young children to believe in a pretend friend who confirms the child’s beliefs and who takes the blame for the youngster’s mistakes.

However, when a 71 year old world leader continues to refer to someone who doesn’t exist, we are looking at signs of serious mental illness.

Throughout his Presidential campaign, Donald J. Trump has continuously referred to someone named “Jim” as his friend and confidant. “Jim” apparently thinks that Europe has been letting in way too many nasty brown immigrants, and is all kinds of upset about that.

In February, Trump was speaking at a conservative conference. He talked about his pal, “Jim,” telling the audience that his friend loved to go to Paris, but that he wasn’t going there anymore, because, “Paris is no longer Paris.”

Today, when President Trump met with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris, a reporter asked about Trump’s previous comments and about “Jim’s” view of Paris. Trump answered it with complete seriousness.

But here’s the problem.

“Jim” is an imaginary friend.

The Associated Press  has tried to locate the mysterious “Jim.” They couldn’t find anyone who fit the description.

The New Yorker tried to find “Jim” way back in March. They talked to every Jim, James, Jamie, Jay or JJ they could find. They came up with a big, fat NOTHING.


Here we are.

The international press is asking the U.S. President questions that are based on the impressions of a person who does not exist.

Yes. You read that correctly.

The President of the United States has an imaginary friend who is guiding his policy choices.

He is nuts. He is delusional. He is mentally ill. He is unfit to be the President of any country anywhere at any time.

Featured image via YouTube screengrab.