Beleaguered and (justifiably) ridiculed White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer has resigned in objection to Pres. Donald Trump’s hiring of new Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, a post left open since being vacated by Michael Dubke in May. Spicer had only been in office for 182 days.
How bad does someone have to be for Sean Spicer to disapprove of him? This is how bad: paid douche-canoe and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus can’t stand him either, even though he’s now publicly saying he supports Scaramucci “100 percent.”
Expect delicious White House drama to ensue immediately.
via WaPo:
Scaramucci has coined a particularly crude nickname for Priebus, and Priebus previously blocked the financier from several other top White House roles.

Reportedly, Scaramucci was hired because Trump “likes him on TV.” And yes, he is a bit of a hottie (sorry, but he is!) even though he’s a slimeball. At least we’ll get a little eye candy with our White House lies.
This video cites Scaramucci’s lack of experience as the primary impetus for Spicer’s resignation; Spicer reportedly feels he’d basically be doing two jobs for the price of one. To be fair, none of us wants Spicey doing two jobs; it’s bad enough watching him do one job. Watch:
Another reason Scaramucci was likely hired: Trump’s kiddos like him.
via BuzzFeed:
Spicer made the move minutes after President Trump hired Anthony Scaramucci, the founder of a hedge fund, to be the administration’s new communications director. The New York Times first reported he was stepping down.
Spicer had been filling that role while also serving as press secretary, following the departure of Mike Dubke as communications director at the end of May.
We’ve been hearing rumors of Spicer’s pending resignation (or firing!) since May, but thus far the White House has (of course) shut down the rumors. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been doing most of the off-camera press briefings; June 23rd was the last time Spicer did an on-camera briefing.
Fun fact: on July 16th, Scaramucci retweeted Trump foe and author Stephen King, who was BLOCKED on Twitter by Trump.
Scaramucci, whose dubious nickname is “The Mooch,” was a Jeb Bush and Scott Walker supporter who threw his weight behind Trump during the campaign. He’s also well-known for lying about the size of Trump’s…inauguration crowd.
“This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe,” he said. “These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm of the inauguration are shameful and wrong.”
One thing The Mooch (which is what we’ll call him from now on) tried to do that his boss refused to do: cleaned himself up before being hired by Trump. He has reportedly sold his stake in his hedge fund. Of course this loser is still going to be scandal-ridden and we can’t WAIT for this new storm to start.
Here’s a video of The Mooch calling Trump “a fixer” (hahaha):
Of course, Twitter has reacted appropriately to Spicer’s resignation.
Sean Spicer Resigns.
— The Digital Left (@DigitalLeft) July 21, 2017
Even professional Always Wrong Guy Bill Kristol — the guy who helped Sarah Palin become John McCain’s VP pick — has (sort of) defended Spicer:
Just to be clear: I'm no defender of Sean Spicer. But the problem is Donald Trump, not Sean Spicer.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) July 21, 2017
I'm just wondering how bad Scaramucci has to be for even Sean Spicer to find him intolerable
— Dante Atkins (@DanteAtkins) July 21, 2017
.@nedprice on Sean Spicer: It is pretty remarkable but lets put it into context, this is a press secretary that was asked from day 1 to lie
— Andrea Mitchell (@mitchellreports) July 21, 2017
Sean Spicer quit because he didn't want to work under what appears to be a Dick Tracy villain
— Virgil Texas Chainsaw Massacre (@virgiltexas) July 21, 2017
Sean Spicer had to resign because he had exhausted all of his lies. They need fresh lies. Demand is up. The sharks smell blood.
— Steve Redmond (@sjredmond) July 21, 2017
#NeverForget Press Secretary Sean Spicer.
We won't miss you, #Spicey
— Matt (@nosoupforgeorge) July 21, 2017
I just wish Sean Spicer said this-
"You don't have Spicer to kick around any more, because, gentlemen, this is my last press conference."
— Red T Raccoon (@RedTRaccoon) July 21, 2017
Here are Spicey’s most memorable moments.
Sean Spicer has reportedly resigned as White House Press Secretary — but we'll never forget his most memorable moments.
— Mic (@mic) July 21, 2017