Project: ‘Babysit Man-Child’ — Trump Generals Terrified Of Leaving President Unsupervised (VIDEO)

It is clear President Donald Trump does not have the cerebral capacity or temperament to make rational decisions regarding the security of our nation and should not be left alone to his own devices.

As reported by the Associated Press:

“Mattis and Kelly also agreed in the earliest weeks of Trump’s presidency that one of them should remain in the United States at all times to keep tabs on the orders rapidly emerging from the White House, according to a person familiar with the discussions.”

National security concerns have escalated to such a level that this is probably a really good plan to stop the hemorrhaging of haphazard deal making behind closed doors and ignoramus policy-plopping via Twitter.

The plan has now come to fruition. Trump, while in the U.S. is NOT to be left alone. At all times, it has been agreed upon, either Chief of Staff John Kelly or Secretary of Defense James Mattis will be physically accessible to this incompetent president. The two retired generals agreed to schedule their travel arrangements accordingly.

What a world we live in when even our military concedes they are deeply concerned with the kind of chaos Trump can cascade upon the planet when no one is babysitting the man-child. SAD.

But don’t fret, it sounds like “tiny hands” will have some big-handed supervision with Mattis and Kelly around.


Featured image from Max Pixel available under a CC Pubic Domain license.

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