According to the Trump administration, there’s a a serious problem plaguing our colleges and universities.
It isn’t student loan debt.
It isn’t campus sexual assault.
It isn’t skyrocketing tuition costs.
It’s the feeling among white students they’re being discriminated against.
That’s right. White students feel oppressed. The system is treating them unfairly.
And the administration of President Donald Trump is planning on using the Justice Department’s civil rights division funds to investigate.
The New York Times reported, according to a document it obtained:
“The Trump administration is preparing to redirect resources of the Justice Department’s civil rights division toward investigating and suing universities over affirmative action admissions policies deemed to discriminate against white applicants.
“The document, an internal announcement to the civil rights division, seeks current lawyers interested in working for a new project on ‘investigations and possible litigation related to intentional race-based discrimination in college and university admissions.’”
Political appointees operating out of the criminal rights division’s front office will be handling the work, not the usual civil servants in the Educational Opportunities Section.
Project supporters and critics agree the work is designed to target admissions programs that assist socially disadvantaged groups like Latinos and Blacks.
Roger Clegg, a former Reagan and George H.W. Bush administration official in the civil rights division, current president of the Center for Equal Opportunity, lauds the decision.
He said:
“The civil rights laws were deliberately written to protect everyone from discrimination, and it is frequently the case that not only whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.”
Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, asserts the administration’s project is misguided and “misaligned with the division’s longstanding priorities.”
She said:
“This is deeply disturbing. It would be a dog whistle that could invite and lot of chaos and unnecessarily create hysteria among colleges and universities who may fear that the government may come down on them for their efforts to maintain diversity on their campuses.”
This recent announcement comes next in a long line of questionable positions the Trump administration and the justice department under Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Featured image from YouTube video.