The white nationalist protest at the University of Virginia has become so volatile that an African-American pastor who was talking to MSNBC’s Joy Reid fled right in the middle of the interview, Raw Story reports.
White Nationalists Crawl Out From Under Their Rocks
Reid was interviewing Rev. Traci Blackmon at the university in Charlottesville, Virginia, about the protest when a security guard grabbed her and quickly pulled her off-screen as she yelled “Gotta go, gotta,” while the scene erupted in fights.
And that stunned Reid, who blurted:
“Oh my goodness!”
Reid tried her best to explain the situation but was still dumbfounded.
“I don’t know what is happening here, I don’t know what just happened there with our guest, but we’re trying to go to find out what happened.”
She noted that violence erupted right where Blackmon had been standing and was trying to tell viewers who’d just tuned in about the situation at the university as it unfolded.
Then she voiced concern about Blackmon and whether she was safe.
“Make sure our producers check on Rev. Blackmon and make sure she’s okay, if somebody could please text her.”
The turmoil at the scene continued to deepen and governor Terry McAuliffe (R-VA) has declared a state of emergency. And one person has died and 20 were injured after a car plowed into a group of peaceful protesters. The silver-colored car sped headlong into the group, smacked into another car, sending people flying, according to NPR.
In a speech, President Donald Trump said he condemned “in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.”
“We have to respect each other, ideally, we have to love each other.”
That sounds nice now, but we have to remember that Trump is the biggest reason this rally even happened today. White nationalists are nuts about him, Politico notes, and hate groups have proliferated in the U.S., spurred by Trump’s campaign, The Southern Policy Law Center (SPLC) reports. In 2016, the number of hate groups rose to 917, up from 892 in 2015.
Which means that so far, Trump has failed to “Make America Great Again.”
But on a positive note, Reid and crew were able to locate Blackmon, who was safe, if somewhat shaken.
In the video below Reid interviews Blackmon until the startling interruption.
Screenshot courtesy of Tom Bogioni/YouTube