A federal court in Texas struck down a controversial anti-abortion law. The law in question would have limited second-trimester abortions by outlawing the dilation and evacuate (D&E) procedure.
US District Judge Lee Yeakel said in his decision:
“The act leaves that woman and her physician with abortion procedures that are more complex, risky, expensive, difficult for many women to arrange, and often involve multi-day visits to physicians, and overnight hospital stays.”
The ruling came in response to a lawsuit brought by abortion providers in Texas. Attorneys for the state argued that D&E is a “gruesome” procedure.
The law would deny women access to a perfectly safe procedure.
Marc Rylander, a spokesman for state Attorney General Ken Paxton, said:
“Dismemberment abortions are gruesome and inhumane, which makes it troubling that a district court would block Texas’s lawful authority to protect the life of unborn children from such a barbaric practice.”
“The Texas Attorney General will continue to defend our state’s legal right to protect the basic human rights and dignity of the unborn.”
The ban on D&E procedures was part of a larger measure, known as SB8. The law not only bans D&Es, but it also requires any tissue collected from the procedure to be cremated or buried like in a funeral, and it bans fetal tissue donation.
Texas Right to Life legislative director John Seago, said:
“The component of House Bill 2 that we were most interested in, the top priority, was the preborn pain section that prohibited elective abortions after 20 weeks.”
He was referring to another bill that got struck down by the Supreme Court in 2013.
Sen. Charles Perry, author of another bill that would’ve banned dilation and evacuation abortion, said in January:
“Each year in Texas, more than a thousand lives are ended by dismemberment abortions. As a society, we should not allow a practice that literally pulls a living child apart in the womb. We know that children in the womb are capable of feeling pain. Prohibiting this practice is long overdue.”
These Texas politicians are continuing their crusade against a woman’s right to choose.
Here is a news clip about the bill:
Featured image via YouTube screenshot.