John McCain (R-AZ) is a hero. His willingness to defend his country in ways most people never will, shouldn’t be disputed. Unfortunately, John McCain the war hero and John McCain the politician, aren’t always on the same level. McCain’s history of putting the needs of the Republican party over the people he has been elected to serve, has often created troubling and avoidable situations for America’s most vulnerable people. Moreover, people worldwide are still scratching their hands in confusion over McCain’s decision to select ignoramus supreme, Sarah Palin, as his running mate.

Nevertheless, in the age of Trump, a time that many feel is truly one of America’s darkest hours, John McCain has stepped up and shown that the war hero and the politician, can be one and the same. McCain is emerging as one of a few Republicans willing to openly stand up to Donald Trump.

As part of his “McCaining,” it looks like the Arizona Senator may have gone totally rogue. That’s a great thing.

In a scathing op-ed for The Washington PostMcCain essentially told Donald Trump, among other things “You ain’t the boss of us.” McCain also called out Trump’s lack of decorum, tact, and knowledge around all things related to the office he holds.

McCain wrote:

“That has never been truer than today, when Congress must govern with a president who has no experience of public office, is often poorly informed and can be impulsive in his speech and conduct.”

McCain didn’t stop there, he also challenged his colleagues where working together better, is concerned:

“We can fight like hell for our ideas to prevail. But we have to respect each other or at least respect the fact that we need each other.”

McCain indeed said a lot; his words are timely and true. However, his mic drop/make the crowd go wild moment came when he told his colleagues not to bow down to Trump:

“We must, where we can, cooperate with him. But we are not his subordinates. We don’t answer to him. We answer to the American people. We must be diligent in discharging our responsibility to serve as a check on his power.”

If John McCain does what he is asking others to do, then America’s system of checks and balances, may not be a complete failure, after all.

Turnabout is fair play. Donald Trump is getting what he deserves from John McCain. Many Americans haven’t forgotten Trump’s brazen disrespect of McCain, so McCain likely hasn’t either. To be reminded of the brash ignorance Donald Trump displayed as he insulted McCain’s service, watch below:

Featured Image screengrab via YouTube.