The history of the contentious relationship between some people of the Jewish and Muslim faiths, dates back to the Bible. Land disputes, differences in the way the religions worship, and more are the root of their strain. Extremists from both sides have not only exacerbated the tension between the two groups, but has escalted the feud to a place so dangerous that some people from both sides are often taught that they’re not supposed to associate with one another.

Some who dress in traditional Jewish and Muslim attire, can attest to how bad they’re treated by ignorant people whose lack of knowledge lends itself to insults and such. It’s in that vein that Muslim director, Karim Metwaly, a New Yorker, was led to do an extremely risque social experiment.

Metwaly wanted to see what would happen if he paired a Jewish man with a Muslim woman and a Muslim man with Jewish woman. For added effect, Metwaly had the couples walk through Muslim/Arab and Jewish neighborhoods in downtown Brooklyn. Metwaly didn’t stop there, he took the experiment up to a totally different level by having the couples engage in public displays of affection such as holding hands.

The results were sad, but not surprising.

The couples were stared at, called names, told that the were wrong, stopped by a mob, and more. Sadly, the video serves as a reminder that hurting people sometimes hurt others. That to say, despite being marginalized and members of oppressed groups themselves, people in both the Jewish and Muslim communities couldn’t put their hatred for one another aside long enough to celebrate something that transcends religion — the love that the participants of the social experiment were portraying via their public displays of affection.

It would seem that as the likes of Donald Trump and others work so hard to divide, those negatively impacted would come together to support one another. Unfortunately, that’s often not the case and Metwaly’s social experiment proves just that.

The eye-opening video may be viewed below:

Featured Image screengrab via YouTube.