Conventional wisdom suggested that when the “Access Hollywood” tapes came out, Donald Trump was a dead man walking politically. After all, on paper it seemed that even the most diehard Republican would balk at getting behind a man who was caught on tape saying that he could treat women any way he pleased just because he was a celebrity–even “grab ’em by the pussy.”
In particular, it seemed that this would have been a bridge too far for the religious right. Granted, most of the nation’s so-called moral guardians had sold their souls to Trump after he started making the right clucking noises on abortion, marriage equality, and other issues near and dear to them. But surely that couldn’t have been enough to overcome those tapes, right? Wrong. For the likes of Ralph Reed, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, and others, it didn’t matter as much as ensuring that this country had a future.
So the people who have long insisted that character counts didn’t seem to bat an eyelash at Trump reveling in degrading women. How was that possible? Well, one prominent fundie personality may have provided an explanation. To hear her talk, what we see as diarrhea of the mouth from Trump is actually something that Jesus would admire.
Two of Trump’s earliest and loudest evangelical supporters were Dr. Don Colbert and his wife, Mary. You may know Dr. Colbert as one of the charismatic and Pentecostal world’s favorite doctors. The Colberts both serve on Trump’s evangelical advisory board, and have remained among Trump’s most loyal followers. Mary Colbert, a prominent Christian author in her own right, is particularly ardent in her support for Trump. If you’ll remember, this past spring she warned that those who oppose Trump risk being cursed down to their third generation.
Earlier this week, Mary appeared on “Something More,” an outreach of Sid Roth’s ministry, alongside “firefighter prophet” Mark Taylor. Taylor claims to have prophesied Trump’s victory in 2011–even though a halfway competent reading of his prophecy indicated that he was predicting Trump would have denied Barack Obama a second term. As we all know, that didn’t happen.
But that hasn’t stopped Mary from becoming one of Taylor’s loudest cheerleaders. They were out promoting Taylor’s new book, “The Trump Prophecies.” Watch here.
It didn’t take long to see where this was going when the guest host, Tampa pastor Kynan Bridges, claimed that one of the devil’s games is to “control the information that people are receiving.” After all, he is “the prince of the power of the air.”
Colbert said that contrary to what people have heard, Trump wants to be “the most praying president in history.” She claimed that the devil wants to dredge up stuff from Trump’s past to affect our image of him. She believed it was no different from someone following ordinary people with recordings of how they acted before they were saved.
That prompted Bridges to wonder why there was still a negative perception of Trump–even among some Christians. Colbert believed there was a simple explanation–“he’s still got rough language.” At bottom, Colbert said, Trump is still very much a guy from Queens. But Colbert had a message for her audience–Jesus was the same way.
“If you have a problem with someone with rough language, then you’re going to have a problem with Jesus, ecause he spoke to the Pharisees and Sadducees and said, ‘You vipers, you snakes.’ He referred to Herod as a fox. And then there is the account of the woman he called a dog. So if you want to find offense, you’ll find offense in anything.
Colbert added that Trump, like God, is a plain speaker. After all, Trump “says what he means and he means what he says”–just like God. She believes that God saw that in Trump, and knew he was going to be a fighter. To hear Colbert talk, God knew that this country needed a fighter, especially considering that “the church has had its butt kicked” for at least the past 75 years. Given this country’s moral state, Colbert believes that God didn’t want “some mamsy-wamsy, love-and-peace kind of president.”
So that’s what it is, huh? Trump’s language is just fine because Jesus would talk the same way? Well, riddle me this, Mary. You mean to tell me that Jesus would retweet a violent GIF showing him knocking Hillary down with a tee shot? If you’re arguing that Trump is not the same man on those tapes, that GIF put that talk to rest. It proved beyond any doubt that the man who plastered a private cell phone number on social media, mocked the disabled, and reveled in degrading women is the real Trump.
And you’d have us believe that a guy who would find that acceptable really has been saved, has experienced a change in his heart? Come off it. Oh, silly us. According to your buddy Taylor, we’re only skeptical about this because the devil has fiddled with our DNA to turn us against Trump.
I say this as a guy who is a bit rough around the edges himself even after becoming born-again in 1998 and going charismatic/Pentecostal a few months after that. I suspect that it’s partly because I’m half North Jerseyan; my dad is originally from Newark and I somehow picked up his accent. But unlike Trump, I know how to control my tongue–and my thumbs. I would never, ever, think of behaving in the way Trump has behaved.
It’s because God has changed my heart and mind. From what we’ve seen of Trump, that change hasn’t even begun to happen. If Colbert, Taylor, and others stopped bowing to Trump long enough, they’d realize that Trump is taking them for a ride.
(featured image courtesy Don Colbert’s Facebook)