Attorney General Jeff Sessions, once a darling of right-wing Republicans, has now fallen out of favor with some in the GOP and is being urged to resign.
Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Mark Meadows (R-NC) have penned an op-ed in The Washington Examiner in which they call for Sessions to leave his post immediately, all so they can have a new AG who will fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
Jordan and Meadows being their opinion piece with this gigantic lie:
“In spite of the constant headlines, rampant speculation, and overshadowing of accomplishments, a simple truth remains: There is no evidence of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.”
Since no one has seen the evidence Mueller has in his possession, one wonders how Jordan and Meadows can be so certain of their specious claim.
The editorial also contains this misstatement of facts:
“The alarming number of FBI agents and DOJ officials sharing information with reporters is in clear violation of the investigative standards that Americans expect and should demand. How would New York Times reporters know any of this information when the FBI and DOJ are prohibited from talking about ongoing investigations? How many FBI agents and DOJ officials have illegally discussed aspects of an ongoing investigation with reporters? When will it stop?”
Again, where is their proof that the leaks are coming from the DOJ? How do we know they aren’t coming from Congress or disgruntled White House staffers?
Having stacked their lies up and used them to serve their sinister purpose, the two Republicans then call for Sessions to leave his office:
“Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the Russia investigation, but it would appear he has no control at all of the premier law enforcement agency in the world. It is time for Sessions to start managing in a spirit of transparency to bring all of this improper behavior to light and stop further violations. If Sessions can’t address this issue immediately, then we have one final question needing an answer: When is it time for a new attorney general?
“Sadly, it seems the answer is now.”
Here’s something else that’s it’s time for: A thorough investigation of every single member of Congress so that we can determine who has ties to Russia and ulterior motives for their actions.
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