Not long after the 2016 Trump for president campaign got cranked up, a person inside the campaign organization contacted the FBI and served as a “human source,” providing information to investigators, according to a report from The Washington Post.
The Post, using a just-released transcript of testimony given by Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson to the Senate Judiciary Committee, reports:
“The head of the research firm behind a dossier of allegations against then-presidential candidate Donald Trump told congressional investigators that someone inside Trump’s network had also provided the FBI with information during the 2016 campaign.”
Fusion GPS was behind the much-discussed dossier compiled by former MI6 British intelligence agent Christopher Steele. And in his testimony, Simpson was able to confirm:
“‘An internal Trump campaign source’ or ‘a human source from inside the Trump organization’ reported his or her concerns to the FBI.”
If true, this would suggest that the Department of Justice and Special Counsel Robert Mueller already have information which was provided by the campaign insider.
Simpson also told the Judiciary Committee:
“I think it was a voluntary source, someone who was concerned about the same concerns we had. It was someone who decided to pick up the phone and report something.”
The transcript of Simpson’s testimony, which was unilaterally released by the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Diane Feinstein (CA) appears to confirm that federal investigators were aware of the Trump campaign’s numerous contacts with Russian operatives and how the Kremlin might be able to help Trump win the race for the White House.
Judiciary Committee Republicans, led by chairman Chuck Grassley (IA) were apoplectic upon learning that Feinstein had released the transcript, with a spokesman for Grassley commenting:
“Her action undermines the integrity of the committee’s oversight work and jeopardizes its ability to secure candid voluntary testimony relating to the independent recollection of future witnesses.”
It also blows a gigantic hole in GOP efforts to undermine the Russia investigation at every turn. Which also raises the question of whether or not those defending Trump the most are also part of the conspiracy.
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