Much like her boss, President Trump, White House adviser Kellyanne Conway is an inveterate liar. She lies about everything, even when she’d be better served by the truth.
But on CNN Wednesday night, Conway got called out for her lies by host Chris Cuomo, who asked her about Trump’s attempt earlier in the day to suggest that is was Hillary Clinton who should be investigated for ties to Russia. Conway responded:
“I was the campaign manager for the winning part of the campaign and the idea that we would have to look any further than Hillary Clinton to beat Hillary Clinton itself is a fantasy. I didn’t need to talk to anybody in Moscow… There is no reason to have to go anywhere outside of Hillary Clinton and how unattractive her policies were. How lacking in vision and connective tissue of the forgotten man and forgotten woman she was. We beat her fairly and squarely in this country, through this democratic process. So many people still can’t get over the election results.”
Cuomo’s retort was perfect:
“Says my friend who can’t keep Hillary Clinton‘s name out of her mouth.”
You would have thought Cuomo had just told Conway she looked like the Cryptkeeper from the TV show Tales From the Crypt. Conway’s voice got louder and more shrill as she told the CNN host:
“We don’t care about her, nobody here talks about her. Hey, Chris, nobody talks about Hillary Clinton.
“Excuse me. I’ll make you a deal, Chris. I’ll never talk about her again, but then you can’t talk about the 2016 election because she lost that election!”
Again, Cuomo easily shut down Conway by merely using facts:
“You just brought her up.”
Trump also brings up Clinton. And he does it all the damn time! But Hillary Clinton isn’t being investigated by a special counsel; Donald Trump is. And when that special counsel lays his evidence on the table, all the whining in the world from Trump and his paid liars won’t do a bit of good.
Lock them all up!
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