Several months ago, we re-branded to We wanted to move away from inflammatory politics and more towards the liberal lifestyle and strong opinion pieces. The kind of pieces that Ted Millar writes now. Visit his author page to see what I’m talking about.
Why did we move away from something that’s been very successful for us? We’ve made a good living from Liberal America over the years, and as per our original mission, we have put some money into the pockets of writers with strong liberal minds. But we don’t make money from LA anymore, for various reasons, a lot of it to do with changes in the Facebook newsfeed and changes in ad delivery to political websites. We weren’t the only mighty ones to fall. Facebook changes and Google Adsense changes affected every publisher, even non-political publishers.
Many publishers just said “screw it” (or f*ck it) and threw in the towel. You can visit a number of formerly successful sites like ours and you’ll see that they have had little or no content for months. But that’s not who we are. It’s never been who we are. We believe in what we’re doing. We’ll never just abandon Liberal America. What we’ve had to abandon is the idea of Liberal America as a money-making machine.
When all of this went down, we began making changes because I had a new vision. I wanted us to go in a completely different direction than we had before. Previously, we discouraged opinion pieces because they tend to garner fewer views. Now we do exactly the opposite. That’s ALL we want. Well, almost all. We also want liberal lifestyle pieces that reflect all of the great things about being a liberal in America, and, well…the difficult things about being a liberal in America. 
Effective immediately, we’ll be accepting submissions from voluntary contributors. We will never be able to pay a full staff of writers and editors again, as we did in the past, but I firmly believe that as a collective, we can deliver strong thought-provoking content to Liberal Americans.
We’re turning Liberal America over to our fans. We’ll still handle the nuts and bolts and infrastructure (I’m finalizing changes to that), and have final editorial control. If you’d like to reach a large audience with your views and writing, this is an opportunity to do so. You don’t have to be an experienced writer. If you have good command of the English language, grammar, and spelling, and something relevant to say, you’ll be welcomed.
If you’re interested in writing or editing as a volunteer, please email me at [email protected].