Yes, this is really a thing. No, this is not satire. You really can order your own Donald Trump teddy bear, complete with weird ass hair. It’s dubbed “Trumpy Bear.”

trumpy bear donald trump teddy bear

Watch this crazy video, which features people from all professions and walks of life talking about how this quite grotesque Trump teddy bear has changed their lives. Firefighters, business owners, etc…

Trumpy Bear features:

  • Only two payments of $19.95
  • Comes with certificate of authenticity
  • Complete with cozy flag themed blanket tucked into his back
  • Also available as a golf club cover
  • Made in China, because of course

Twitter reactions to Trumpy Bear:

And the best pun ever.

Who is this the perfect gift for? Your crazy conservative uncle (or father). Your toddler who would chew its ears off in a short period of time. Your dog to tear up. Or the person you really love to hate.

Trumpy Bear is made by Exceptional Products in Dallas, Texas. I called and yes, this is really a thing, and it’s also been verified by Snopes. Trumpy Bear is legit. Wow.