Confession time: I’m occasionally paralyzed by the “age appropriate clothing” myth. You see, it’s the generation I hail from. I’m 52, and grew up in the 1980s when such dumb ideas were prevalent.

However, to my credit, I’ve continuously bucked the myth. I’m not a fashionista (and am wholly and famously uninterested in fashion), but I have no qualms about wearing my silly t-shirts that make even my adult children groan.

Also, I was wearing mini-skirts in my 40s when I was still doing a little partying. And I don’t have a model’s body. I just FELT hot, so I did what I wanted. Devil may care.

Anywho, I found these awesome ladies on Instagram (and other places on the internet) and love LOVE love their looks. So seriously, f*ck “age appropriate” clothing. Wear what you want. You’re beautiful. And sexy. If you believe you are.


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Steel magnolias! @rixo

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Welcome and a big hello to all the new folks who have arrived on this page πŸŒΈπŸ™πŸ»πŸŒΊ Thank you for your attention, and apologies for the infrequent posting πŸŒΉπŸ™πŸ»πŸ₯€ See the thing is, I’m an ordinary woman with an understanding that life itself is extraordinary πŸŒΊπŸ™πŸ»πŸ₯€ I’m focusing on living consciously, sweetly, with grace, and somehow posting my every move on here doesn’t fit comfortably within that framework πŸ‘£πŸ‘πŸ‘£ How many of you feel the same? Thank you for the love, acceptance and understanding πŸ˜πŸ’πŸ‚ Photograph by @advancedstyle #friendsforever #givethanks #welcome #acceptance #love #lovelife #mywrinklesaremystripes @mywrinklesaremystripes

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Posted a photo of her yesterday. Her style is outstanding. #mywrinklesaremystripes #ageisjustanumber #wearwhatyouwant

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A statement blouse is all you need sometimes.

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F*ck Age Appropriate Clothing

Do these ladies make you realize that “age appropriate clothing is a myth? Of course they do! Now get out there and be beautiful.