Do you trust me? Well, maybe. But you probably for sure trust Chrissy Teigen. I mean, who doesn’t? She’s only like the most awesome celeb ever! And she has a recommendation for you, the perfect gift for everyone on your Christmas list: the Barefoot Dreams blanket. Here’s the one I found on Amazon, but there are tons of different colors out there.

barefoot dreams pink blanket

No, Chrissy didn’t post this as an ad. Apparently she just really really loves this blanket. And it does look AMAZING.

Unwilling (or unable, like me) to shell out $180 bucks (or nearly $400!) for a blanket? You’re in luck. A couple of users tossed up some great alternatives. The Burrito Wrap Blanket, for example.


However, if you’re still dying for some Barefoot Dreams love, you can always grab a pair of their socks or a throw. I’m dying here. Seriously, dying.

barefoot dreams socks

Or a scarf. OMG these Barefoot Dreams scarves look like they’re to die for. My neck would be suffocating, but for some reason I still want one.

barefoot dreams red scarf

Still hooked on a blanket, but can’t afford the Barefoot Dreams blankets? Check out my fave: the Qbedding Luxury Blanket. I have bought these for members of my family literally nearly every year for five years.

qbedding luxury red blanket

It’s hard to believe that such an affordable blanket can be this wonderful, but trust me (you do trust me, right?), it is. Joe and I each sleep with our own, without sheets (maybe gross to you, but super comfy to us!). We also have them in the living room for the cats and for us to snuggle under when it’s cold.

So whether you want Chrissy’s dreamy blanket or my cheaper version, you can’t go wrong with a cozy blanket for a Christmas gift. Even your pets will love them.