The religious right would have us believe that Donald Trump is not only being used by God to make America great again, but has come to know the Lord for himself. Reportedly, the large number...
The religious right would like you to believe that it only wants a place at the table for Americans with traditional values. But those who keep a close eye on America's so-called moral guardians know...
Most longtime watchers of the religious right, including this writer, have known for some time that when push comes to shove, the religious right is morally bankrupt. Any doubt that this was the case should...
Trumpkin Pastor: Weinstein Is The ‘Natural Result’ Of Taking Prayer Out Of Schools (TWEETS/VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
The religious right insists that all it wants to do is give Americans with "traditional values" a place at the table. But from time to time, a religious right luminary lets slip that he and...
Lately, whenever a natural disaster occurs, you can almost take it to the bank that some unhinged pastor is going to suggest that it happened because we somehow angered God. Earlier this week, a far-right...
There are two big reasons why Donald Trump's administration is not normal. For one thing, some of the nation's most notorious peddlers of conspiracy theories, like Alex Jones, apparently have the ear of the president...
First of all, there has never been a demand to do away with "Merry Christmas." It is simplistic and uninformed to make such a claim. And President Obama never asked anyone not to say "Merry...
One of the most disheartening moments of the 2016 campaign came when the infamous "Access Hollywood" tapes came out, and the religious right still continued to bow down to Donald Trump. On paper, the Trump...
The 2017 Values Voter Summit drew to a close on Saturday. This year's edition, as in years past, was full to the brim with wingnuttery. We saw Donald Trump loudly proclaiming his fealty to Judeo-Christian...
The days since Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd watching a concert on the Las Vegas Strip have seen what has become an all-too-familiar routine in the aftermath of mass shootings. Literally within hours...
Lately, whenever a mass shooting occurs, two things are as certain as death and taxes are in more peaceful times. You get conspiracy theorists claiming that the shooting was a false flag, and you also...
The religious right latched onto Donald Trump in part because he made clucking noises about social issues that they liked. In return, the nation's so-called moral guardians stood by him after the "Access Hollywood" tapes...
What are you a slave to? My sermon from September 10, 2017.
based on:
Exodus 12:1-14
First Passover
12 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, 2 “This month will be the first month; it will be the first...
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria ravishing the United States and Caribbean, we've seen a number of pastors revert to what has become a very disturbing tradition--claiming that these and other natural...
It's no secret that the religious right has bowed down to Donald Trump. It's also no secret that the nation's so-called moral guardians have convinced many of their followers to join them in doing so,...
Trump Spiritual Adviser Regrets Warning Us That Opposing Trump Means Opposing God (TWEET)
Darrell Lucus
Almost from the time Donald Trump's upset victory in the presidential election was beyond doubt, the religious right has been warning us against opposing him. Their explanation? Any opposition to Trump is being driven by...
Earlier in the week, hard-right pastors Rick Joyner and Jim Bakker became the latest to blame a national tragedy on abortion and marriage equality. They suggested that Hurricane Harvey dumped gallons of rain on Houston...
Ever since Donald Trump's upset victory, the religious right has gone overtime warning the nation against speaking out against him. Their explanation? Trump is carrying out God's plan for this country, and those opposing him are...
Jim Bakker And Rick Joyner Say ‘Sin And Wickedness’ Turned Houston Into A Lake (VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
Days after the September 11 attacks, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson claimed the planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon because of abortion and gays. They were deservedly sliced, diced, and julienned...
As of Labor Day weekend, Donald Trump's average approval rating, as calculated by FiveThirtyEight, stands at 37.5 percent. At risk of sounding like a broken record, this is the lowest approval rating on record for a...