As we know by now, the Donald Trump administration has ramped its war on the media into Defcon 1. But one collection of Trump's most ardent supporters has had it at that level for some...
For some time, the religious right has been mounting a ham-handed bullying campaign to warn white evangelicals against joining the resistance to Donald Trump. Their explanation? Those who oppose Trump are supposedly being driven by...
Trump Spiritual Adviser Warns Against Opposing Trump, Explains That We’re Opposing God Himself (VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
As of Monday afternoon, Donald Trump's average approval rating, as calculated by FiveThirtyEight, is 37.2 percent--easily the lowest on record for a newly-elected president at this stage in his presidency. But as bad as these...
Our scripture this morning for church was from Genesis 45, where we read about Joseph's reaction toward his brothers when they approached him in Egypt to ask for food. It is important to remember that these...
A number of my fellow left-leaning charismatic and pentecostal friends suspect that Donald Trump is being used by God--just not in the way that the religious right would have us believe. They think he's being...
Romans 14:19 So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up.
As I sit here in my safe home far away in Arkansas, and I watch...
The religious right would like us to believe that all it wants is to give Americans with "traditional values" a place at the table. But occasionally, when prominent fundies think no one else is listening,...
RWNJ Pastor Makes Outrageous Claims About Liberal ‘Spirits And Curses And Demons’ (VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
It's been amply established that diehard supporters of Donald Trump live in an alternative universe. In this world, even when there is no doubt something happened, there is still room for doubt about whether the event...
As we all know, Donald Trump's upset victory wouldn't have happened without him going into a massive political debt to the religious right. Most of what passes for leadership among social conservatives stood by the...
RWNJ Pastor: Trump Has ‘Divine Purpose,’ And Anyone Who Opposes Him Will Fail (TWEET/VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
No matter how he tries to convince himself--and us--Donald Trump is not winning. Not by a longshot. As of Friday night, FiveThirtyEight pegs his average approval rating at 36.9 percent, the lowest on record for...
Religious Right Radio Host: Obama Was Under ‘Communist Influence’ And Couldn’t Have Been A Scout (AUDIO)
Darrell Lucus
In the wake of Donald Trump's bizarre and unhinged speech to the 2017 Boy Scout Jamboree, a number of observers have drawn sharp contrasts with Barack Obama's scouting history. While Trump never spent a day...
Earlier this week, Public Policy Polling released a new national poll that revealed the stark gulf between diehard supporters of Donald Trump and the country at large. For instance, only 45 percent of Trump voters...
As of Thursday night, Donald Trump's approval rating stands at 39.3 percent. As anemic as that looks, it would be even worse if not for the support of the religious right. At last report, well...
As of Monday night, Donald Trump's average approval rating, as calculated by FiveThirtyEight, stands at 39.1 percent. That's the second-worst average on record for any president at this early point in his administration, and the worst for any...
RWNJ Pastor Says America Is Led By ‘Satanists,’ But Praises Russia For ‘Morality’ (AUDIO)
Darrell Lucus
In case you missed it, the only reason Donald Trump's head is still above water is that over 70 percent of white evangelicals still back him, even in the face of the nearly daily outrages...
RWNJ Pastor: Dem Prayers For Scalise Are Fake Because Dems Are ‘Children Of Satan’ (TWEETS/AUDIO/VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
On Wednesday morning, the Democratic Congressional baseball team had just arrived at Galludet University in Washington to practice for the following night's Congressional Baseball Game when word got out that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise had been...
When word got out that a hardcore Bernie Sanders supporter turned a Republican baseball team practice in Alexandria, Virginia into a shooting gallery, a number of Republicans wasted no time pointing fingers. Newt Gingrich blamed potty-mouthed...
Religious Right Snowflake Thinks We’re On ‘Devil’s Team’ For Calling Out Death Threats (VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
When you listen to religious right radio shows and podcasts, you expect to hear outrageous and jaw-dropping commentary. But what Dave Daubenmire did on his daily podcast, "Pass the Salt," is staggering even by those...
March in Arkansas can go either way: still below freezing and snowing, or already 80 degrees and humid. Driving down the two lane highway on the edge of the Ouachita Forest that March day was...
A number of Republicans, especially those aligned with the religious right, held their noses and voted for Donald Trump, despite his many outrages, for only one reason--a chance to maintain the conservative majority on the...