There are a number of things I wish to address about the current "bathroom controversy." 1. The President did not issue an Executive Order. That's what I keep seeing everyone post about. The U.S. Department of Justice...
Religious leaders find ourselves in a unique situation in this country today. As people who have been divinely called to preach the gospel, we have to carefully guard our words so that we don’t become...
I am a pastor. As a member of the clergy I have a calling to bring love and peace to every situation. My life is dedicated to bringing people to a place of community and...
John Wesley, founder of the religious movement known as Methodism, was a very spiritual man. He woke every morning at 4am to read from his Bible and pray for three hours. He was well educated,...
Visiting my grandmother became a girl’s day out event in the latter years of her life. My mom, my sister, my niece, and I would all make a day out of driving to Waldron and...
Yesterday was National Daughter's Day! I know this because Facebook told me so; well, maybe not Mark Zuckerberg himself, but all my friends on Facebook were posting pictures of their daughters and celebrating National Daughter's...
A group of Clergy members in Arkansas held a press conference in Little Rock on December 18 to announce a statement of unity aimed at supporting the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The following are...
Advent is not Christmas, and the 12 Days of Christmas are not December 13th to the 25th. Here are the basics you need to know to understand and participate in Advent: 1. The idea of a...
What are the requirements to get into heaven, and who will be excluded?
March in Arkansas can go either way: still below freezing and snowing, or already 80 degrees and humid. Driving down the two lane highway on the edge of the Ouachita Forest that March day was...
It just seemed as if my own words weren't enough. Exodus 18:21 21 You should also look for able men among all the people, men who fear God, are trustworthy, and hate dishonest gain; set such men...
Can satan, the devil, or evil come into the world through a coloring book?
Devotional Resources We can all use a little help in our spiritual walk. Enlist these awesome resources as a way to develop a personal study plan or your family's daily Bible study plan and inspire new thought,...
Our scripture this morning for church was from Genesis 45, where we read about Joseph's reaction toward his brothers when they approached him in Egypt to ask for food. It is important to remember that these...
What are you a slave to? My sermon from September 10, 2017. based on: Exodus 12:1-14 First Passover 12 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, 2 “This month will be the first month; it will be the first...
I cried on a plane today. I sat in the middle of a cramped metal cylinder filled with 179 other people and cried. I’m not sure why. Maybe it was because I had to leave my house...
In 1858, the United States was as polarized politically as it would ever be over the issue of slavery. The popular incumbent, Stephen Douglas was running against the newcomer, Abraham Lincoln, for the position of...
Today, on Christmas Eve, as I go about preparing for Candlelight Service tonight, looking forward to a gathering with my family tomorrow, and enjoying quiet time with my son, I can't seem to fight back...
First of all, there has never been a demand to do away with "Merry Christmas." It is simplistic and uninformed to make such a claim. And President Obama never asked anyone not to say "Merry...