A few years ago, I was driving through south Arkansas in the early morning, making my way home from a three day business trip. Right outside of Eudora, the biggest deer I have ever seen...
Isaiah 41:10 Don’t fear, because I am with you; don’t be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will surely help you; I will hold you with my righteous strong hand. To be honest, I am at a...
Today is the 15th anniversary of the horrible attack on the World Trade Center in New York City, September 11, 2001. It was a day that has defined the last 15 years of this country's history,...
Romans 14:19       So let’s strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up. As I sit here in my safe home far away in Arkansas, and I watch...
When is it time to get over the divorce and move on?
Miley Cyrus has made headlines the last couple of years for her outlandish, and often vulgar behavior, and inspiring people has not necessarily been her main focus. But today, I found beauty, joy, and inspiration...
if I pass you on the street and see you crying, if you look afraid or unsure or alone, am I not supposed to stand by you if not me, then who? if I see someone shouting hatred, calling names,...
What would those closest to you say was the purpose of your life?
It is only a month until Christmas, so let's get this out of the way: a "Happy Holidays" greeting is NOT an attack on Christmas! Saying, "Happy Holidays!" is not an attempt to dishonor the meaning of...
My granddaughter will be five years old in December. Then in February, my niece will turn five as well. My family had nothing but boys for 15 years, and so the arrival of these two precious...
I attend seminary; it's a hybrid program where we attend most of our classes online. We do huge amounts of reading and participate in lengthy group discussions on a daily basis. But once during every...
I haven't written in a couple of weeks, so I decided to tell you why. I have an illness. You can't see it. It doesn't cause me to be in a wheelchair or have a...
There are some portions of the Bible that strike us as so incredible that we don’t know what to do with them. The Transfiguration of Jesus is such a story, and scholars have argued about its meaning...
Today, Palm Sunday, begins Holy Week in most Christian faiths throughout the world. Palm Sunday is a reference to the victorious entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem to celebrate the feast day of Passover. The story...
Our scripture this morning for church was from Genesis 45, where we read about Joseph's reaction toward his brothers when they approached him in Egypt to ask for food. It is important to remember that these...
When Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination in 2008, I was so disappointed (judge me if you will, but I am from Arkansas, and Bill and Hillary are my people!!). So, in an attempt to...
Devotional Resources We can all use a little help in our spiritual walk. Enlist these awesome resources as a way to develop a personal study plan or your family's daily Bible study plan and inspire new thought,...
This morning, I started the SNAP Challenge.  I am to to eat three healthy meals every day for an entire week on only $5 a day as an attempt to understand the challenges faced by...