When I stumbled across a video George Takei shared last year as a guest curator on Upworthy, I knew it had to be worth watching. I wasn't wrong either.
The video, a segment from the show What...
Michigan Court Worker Gets Huge Award After Being Fired For Reporting Bible-Thumping Judge
Darrell Lucus
More than a decade ago, Julie Pucci, the deputy administrator of a Michigan district court, was fired after reporting one of the judges for being too pushy about his Christian faith. Last week, Pucci finally...
Yesterday in Oslo, Norway, something took place that could become the model for religious tolerance and cooperation between all faiths across the world.
Despite the apparent growing divide in recent months between Christians, Jews, and Muslims--especially...
And Italian media company wanted to see what would happen if they asked a group of young boys to hit a young girl, so they conducted a social experiment to find out. The results were...
Photographer Tracey Buyce of Saratoga Springs, New York has created an amazing series of photographs celebrating couples who know how to make love work. Tracey, inspired by the love her parents shared, decided to hold...
The tale of James Robertson has been on every major news source across America the past few days. ?The "marathon man" as some call him, walks 21 miles to work every single day and has...
The Heartwarming Story of James Robertson & The Strangers Who Changed His Life Forever
Ben Dunham-Kapaldo
James Robertson, 56, makes $10.55/hour working at a manufacturing plant located 23 miles from his home in Detroit. Not a great commute but not the worst either, right? Well imagine if the only way to...
In the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Paris by Muslim Jihadists, many of the ever brewing multicultural communities in the UK came into distress: the Jewish population seeing Anti-Semite attacks rising in numbers while...
Celebrities are people who can be looked up to or can be criticized for their every move (and, yes, sometimes should be). When speaking out about political or social issues, they start to wander into...
A heartwarming video is trending on Youtube, and yes, I may have totally needed a tissue.
There's not much to say except that thanks to a kind human, a mother and her fawn were reunited after...
A Fountain Green, Utah family is trying to make the most out of what they presume will be their last Christmas with their 6-year-old daughter, Addie. The family is asking for the help of others....
It was a freezing Tennessee night (18 degrees, to be exact) when Tim Lejeune, his wife, and three kids (a daughter, 16, and two sons- 15 and 5) decided it was too cold...
Get ready to feel your faith in humanity restored a little bit once again.
Las Vegas magician Rob Anderson, best known for his recent viral video of tearing up an ever-smiling homeless veteran's sign...
It's almost unbearable for any parent to imagine. Just a few short months ago, Chris Picco was a husband celebrating his seventh wedding anniversary and the impending birth of his first child. Today, he is...
A 15-Year-Old Girl Interrupts A Classroom Gay-Bashing Fest And Stuns Everyone To Silence
Tiffany Willis Clark
With plenty of intolerance and ignorance to go around in America these days, it is refreshing to run across something that restores my faith in humanity. This time it came in the form...
If you're in a strange city and your car breaks down, you run out of gas, or you miss a bus or flight, do you think strangers would help you? Would they let you use...
There are some cruel kids in the world, but when we see an act like one that took place in Grand Prairie, Texas Friday night, our faith in humanity is restored.
From the video description:
A group...