So-Called Pastor To Blended Families: You’re ‘Selfish’ And ‘Destroying Children’ (AUDIO)
Darrell Lucus
For years, whenever we have thought about black conservatives getting diarrhea of the mouth, the first people to come to mind have usually been Ben Carson and Allen West. But in recent weeks, another prominent...
Every once in awhile, the religious right turns its five-inch guns on a product that supposedly isn't espousing good "family values." The latest to fall within the crosshairs of the nation's so-called moral guardians is Unilever's Dove...
When you think of someone living in poverty what comes to mind? The word "lazy" maybe? Perhaps "lack of morals" is a phrase you think of? Even the term "irresponsible" may come into play? This is the...
Unique Doctor’s Office Makes Healthcare Affordable To People Without Insurance (VIDEO)
Amelia Walker
Some doctors are looking at a whole new way of doing medicine that might truly help people who are under or uninsured, or have high deductible insurance plans. Patients may also receive better quality care.
Schadenfreude. It's a German term meaning enjoyment obtained through others' misfortune.
With each passing week of Donald Trump's presidency, I become more convinced schadenfreude is the new administration's guiding principle.
Think about it. Trump targets a religion...
Ohio State Rep. Greta Johnson has re-introduced a bill to outlaw marital rape. Currently, rape by a spouse is legal if they don't use force, so a spouse can legally drug and rape their spouse if...
As difficult as it may be to remember, it wasn’t long ago that there was a smart, articulate, decent, honorable man in the Oval Office, and not... President Donald Trump.
There are many reasons why we...
Trump’s Phone Proves He Is A So-Called Husband And Dad As Well As A So-Called President
Darrell Lucus
There's one thing that has gone unreported about Donald Trump playing host to Theresa May, Shinzo Abe, Justin Trudeau, Benjamin Netanyahu, and other world leaders since taking office. They may be in very real danger,...
Dem Rep Introduces Bill To Strengthen Anti-Stalking Laws – BET It Won’t Get A Vote! (VIDEO)
R.L. Paine
U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) introduced legislation on February 2, 2017 to strengthen federal anti-stalking laws and no one is talking about it.
According to, H.R.866 is a bill:
“To amend title 18, United States Code,...
On February 6, Delta unveiled its new ad, which features the voice of Academy Award Nominee and Golden Globe Winner, Viola Davis. The ad represents people across the globe getting up before the crack of dawn to...
A former First Child has come out swinging in defense of Barron Trump, the youngest child of President Donald Trump. In a world where it takes seconds to bully someone online, she reminded people to...
Nelson Mandela said:
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."
If that is true, our society has a very dark soul.
Portland, Oregon, like so many American...
Since Trump Is A Tradition Scrooge Here Are Some Of The Craziest Presidential Pets (VIDEO)
Stephanie Kuklish
It is a long standing tradition that the incoming president bring along a new White House pet. Almost every president, and a lot of the VP's, have made the long journey to the White House, furry,...
Debbie Reynolds knew great success in life, but she also knew a lot of heartache. She lived through divorce and bankruptcy. Yesterday we learned, though, that there are some things beyond enduring.
You really can die...
5 Ways To Celebrate Holidays With Christian Friends And Family When You’re Not Religious
Natalie Dailey
Religious people may think that atheists and non-believers are fighting some kind of "War on Christmas," but we really aren't. Many of us enjoy spending time with friends and family anyway. Here are some tips...
With the inauguration coming closer, and the fact that the President-elect Donald Trump’s wife, Melania, will be staying in New York and focusing on her son, a pivotal role in the White House has been...
WATCH Michelle Obama Adorably Respond To Children About Running For President (VIDEO)
Stephanie Kuklish
President Obama and First Lady, Michelle Obama gleefully answer questions from these adorable children interviewers. Their questions, singing, and dancing is brought to the Obamas via a tablet to which they respond to the questions...
It has the makings of an American horror story: pretty blue-eyed dolls, innocent children, and the potential for your creepy neighbor to listen in on everything that goes on in your house while you're blissfully...
Bizarre Custody Case: Frozen Embryos Sued Their Would-Be Mom, Actress Sofia Vergara (VIDEO)
April Fox
Sofia Vergara stars in the popular TV comedy-drama Modern Family. The show highlights the ups and downs of family life in today's diverse society, but what's happening in Vergara's personal life makes the scripted antics look like The...
President-elect Donald Trump has a new policy adviser who is lacking in one thing: compassion.
Ken Blackwell, a Senior Fellow for Family Empowerment at the Family Research Council, said that there is "nothing more Christian" than cutting...