One of the great joys of teaching is learning to see the unique beauty in every child. Teaching children with special needs makes it even more gratifying to see how children grow and thrive in their own...
When we think of Thanksgiving, we think of fantastic food, warm homes, holiday music, and togetherness with our families. This year won’t be any different in those aspects, but the current state of government and...
President Obama has proven time and again over the past eight years that he is a consummate leader. If his interview in The New Yorker is any indication, he's also an amazing father. 'People Are Complicated' David...
For some (many) folks, Thanksgiving always carries with it a great deal of stress when it comes to dealing with relatives. Unfortunately, we now have to deal with Thanksgiving so soon after the disappointing election results....
With president-elect Donald Trump poised to take office, many women are worried about what will happen next in regards to their reproductive rights. Between a chief-of-staff who has said that: "Birth control makes women unattractive, and crazy..." To...
For the last eight years, we have had a very classy First Family. For those of you that are sad to see President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama leave the White House, here is...
Last week, the United States elected the next president. President-elect Donald Trump is a racist, xenophobic, misogynistic former reality TV star, and we just put him in the highest office in the country. This man...
After being asked about his daughters, Sasha and Malia, and their current dating status, President Obama answered with intelligence and a sense of trust for his two daughters. We have watched Sasha and Malia go from...
The relevance and historical significance of President Obama’s eight-year stay as our President touch on everything from same-sex marriage, The Paris Agreement, and economic crisis. We have stood in awe at the poise and composure...
A study by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) debunks the myth that Black fathers are less involved with their children than white or Hispanic fathers. In fact, Black fathers are actually more likely than white or...
child sexual abuse
Trigger WARNING: This chronicles a true case of child sexual abuse. It is descriptive and graphic. NSFW. I was 10. It was innocent play. A quick and simple brush of my crotch. I didn't seem to...
My granddaughter will be five years old in December. Then in February, my niece will turn five as well. My family had nothing but boys for 15 years, and so the arrival of these two precious...
A 10-year-old child is on life support after some of his classmates set him on fire. His organs are failing, and he has been put in a medically-induced coma. Kayden Culp of Kerrville, Texas has burns...
At a Lifeline event in New York City on Wednesday, Ivana Trump, ex-wife of Presidential nominee Donald Trump, expressed to guests how she raised her three children with little to no help from The Donald. At...
After Newsweek writer Kurt Eichenwald wrote some critical articles about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, his supporters came after Eichenwald and his kids in the most vile way. The implications go far beyond Eichenwald's family. You may...
I'm a vehemently childfree woman. My doctors thought I was weird to get myself fixed, but I know I don't want children and I don't want to pass my mental illness to a child. Many...
"Make America Great Again," isn't only Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's sing-a-long song anymore. Now, Trump's Democratic rival, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, is piggybacking off his slogan. In her latest spot, called "Measure," Clinton tells us how she believes Americans...
Our wonderful first couple is celebrating their 24th wedding anniversary this week. President Barack Obama sent this sweet photo to First Lady Michelle Obama: He sent additional love and adoration on Instagram. They met at a Chicago law...
It has been almost 10 years since the horrific shooting at Virginia Tech University. On April 16, 2007, 32 people lost their lives to a gunman. They ranged in age from 18 to 76. Seung Hui...
A seven-month-old child died after being left in a hot car at Marshall Space Flight Center at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Officials are investigating. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Redstone Arsenal officials are conducting the...