Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Food trump
Food trucks have gotten very popular in my neck of the woods recently. They are a great way to serve food at festivals and conventions. A food truck in New York City is making a...
humanity is officially doomed
Yes, you read that correctly. Someone has figured out how to fry water. I'm from The South where we fry everything, but this seems ridiculous. I thought that we had officially gotten to the worst fried foods...
This article originally appeared on Ravishly and has been reprinted with permission of the author, Carrie Saum. Dear Special Eaters of The World, I can’t afford to eat like you. Yes, CaveGirl, I mean you. You too, VeganFriend....
Hunger is an ongoing problem in the United States. Statistics show that about 1 in every 7 Americans are hungry. reports that more than 48 million people in this country are "food insecure," including over 15...
A fifth-grader in Florida could be facing attempted murder charges. She poisoned a classmate's water bottle with bleach. The child also had a hit list. This incident happened a couple of weeks ago when the victim...
In 1985, a study of hunger in America revealed that roughly 20 million people were not able to get enough food to adequately nourish themselves. The doctors who completed the work concluded that hunger was an "epidemic"...
With new study results revealing negative long-term effects of NBC's hit extreme-dieting show, more former contestants are demanding NBC's “The Biggest Loser” finally be canceled. Season two participant, Suzanne Mendonca recently came forward with allegations that, behind...
Amazon is going to sell their own brands of snacks, diapers, and detergent. They will be sold exclusively to Amazon Prime users under brands such as Happy Belly and Mama Bear. They sell things like spices,...
After all sorts of fad diets (grapefruits! low carb! low fat! no eating in the evening!), we are coming, as a society, to an understanding that the best diet is one rich in whole foods...
Oxfam reports that poultry workers now wear diapers
It's incredibly sobering when stories like this are revealed. According to Oxfam America, poultry workers across the nation face conditions so terrible that many have soiled themselves because they were denied bathroom visits. A report released by Oxfam...
House lawmakers are quietly rolling back school lunch laws passed in 2010. These laws guarantee free lunches and after-school meals for children in high poverty areas. It survived budget cuts in January, but it could still...
The Salty Nut brewery here in my hometown of Huntsville, Alabama has released a new peach flavored beer to pay homage to our "unimpeachable" governor. Governor Robert Bentley has had an affair with one of...
"We believe that everyone in our society has a right to affordable healthy food."  This is a part of the FoodShare Toronto's mission statement. Low-income families often have limited access to fresh, nutrient-dense produce. In Canada, a...
A manager at a McDonald's in Arkansas called the police because teenagers were taking water cups and filling them with soda. These three teenagers got cups of water from the drive-thru. They parked, came into the...
Unfortunately, Donald Trump is still running for president. One of his main claims is that he is such an amazing business man. He loves his name so much that he tries to attach it to EVERYTHING, and...
Married couple Grant Baldwin and Jen Rustmeyer spent 6 months eating only food that they gathered dumpster diving. Just as they expected, they lived to tell the tale. So what’s the deal? The couple - who made...
Don't look now but the price of one of your favorite summer treats might be skyrocketing! Global shortages of vanilla, which is already the second most expensive spice to cultivate, are expected to quadruple in...
Remember how your Mom always told you to drink skim milk? Remember all that non-fat yogurt she told you needed to eat to stay healthy? I guess your Mom was wrong. Scientists have once again done research to prove...
Say hello to Bunmi Laditan, a super healthy, blogger mom. She has written books and blogs about raising children. She also consults with bigger companies looking to increase their social media presence. She sounds like...
Featured image via by gageskidmore
In the world of politics, candidates need to align themselves with voters. For New York voters, pizza protocol matters. John Kasich fell into a classic campaign faux-paux. While in the city earlier this week, he...