From Russia With A Warning: Putin Foe Warns Trump Is Following ‘Pro-Authoritarian’ Blueprint (VIDEOS)
Darrell Lucus
It's no secret that Donald Trump doesn't think much of those who dare to oppose him. During the campaign, he threatened to overhaul the libel laws and make it easier to sue media outlets. He...
It's been amply established that Donald Trump has mishandled the response to the devastation Hurricane Maria wrought on Puerto Rico like a bad-hands wide receiver. But one of his worst moments in this came with...
Donald Trump had a chance to prove he could perform one of the president's most important functions--that of comforter-in-chief--when he traveled to Puerto Rico on Tuesday to visit those affected by Hurricane Maria. He failed--and...
It's no secret that Arizona's junior Senator, Jeff Flake, was going to have his work cut out for him to win a second term. He's got potential Republican primary challengers circling him like sharks, and...
For a decade, Stephen Colbert and the folks at Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" gave far-right lunacy the treatment it deserves--a heavy dose of public ridicule. Two Mondays from now, another Comedy Central personality is poised...
Earlier in the week, hard-right pastors Rick Joyner and Jim Bakker became the latest to blame a national tragedy on abortion and marriage equality. They suggested that Hurricane Harvey dumped gallons of rain on Houston...
There is little doubt that Donald Trump's pardon of Joe Arpaio was an outrage. After all, in the absence of something we haven't heard or seen, there is virtually no defensible reason for Trump to effectively...
For much of Monday and Tuesday, it looked like we were on the verge of more ugliness in Charlottesville, Virginia. Several trolls aligned with the noxiously racist Website Daily Stormer were actively making plans to...
Earlier this spring, Donald Trump created a commission on "election integrity," ostensibly to review concerns about the manner in which elections are conducted. The real purpose, however, soon became apparent--to troll for "proof" that Trump...
J.K. Rowling Waved Her Magic Stylus At A Trumpkin, And The Result Was Glorious (TWEETS)
Darrell Lucus
Whenever you peruse the Twitter feed of a Donald Trump diehard, more often than not that you're going to find something stupid, ignorant, or just plain wrong. Right-wing commentator Tomi Lahren usually serves up all three.
A textbook...
For some time, one of the loudest critiques leveled at the Democratic Party is that it really doesn't stand for anything except opposing Donald Trump. This coming week, the Democrats are doing something to change that....
Unlike the rest of his family, Eric Trump doesn't do Twitter very well. That was amply demonstrated last week when he tried to defend his older brother, Donald Jr., against the firestorm of criticism he...
President Donald Trump was quick to clean house when he took office, or what he referred to as 'draining the swamp,' but at least one former Ambassador is ready for some revenge.
Former Ambassador to Japan...
It was clear long before Donald Trump's latest unhinged outbursts on Twitter--his slagging of Mika Brzezinski and his simulated bodyslamming of CNN--that he did not have the temperament to be president. However, these ugly outbursts...
On paper, the nation's late-night comedians should be sitting pretty with Donald Trump in the White House. After all, virtually the only thing that makes Trump even remotely bearable is seeing him sent up before...
In case we've all forgotten, Joe Biden is still the man. Although it took a while for this little narrative to come out, it was worth waiting for. Last month Biden was a guest speaker...
Last month, Congressman Al Green of Texas took a bold step. The Democrat from Houston became the first lawmaker in either chamber to call for Donald Trump to be impeached by the House. In response, several...
Donald Trump responded to Saturday night's horrific attacks in London in typical fashion--with a barrage of tone-deaf tweets. Well, at least one professor in the UK was having none of it.
In case you missed it,...
To hear the most diehard supporters of Donald Trump talk, you would think that there was an 11th commandment added to the Bible--"Thou shalt not speak ill of Donald Trump." After all, depending on the...
‘You’d Defend Trump If He Took A Dump On His Desk! – Usually Calm Anderson Cooper LOSES IT On Trump Supporter (TWEETS/VIDEO)
Danielle Hartshorn
A CNN host recently cracked on air, and ended up apologizing to his guest. While some people were upset, there were plenty of others who basically thanked him.
Russian Smoke
CNN host Anderson Cooper has lost his composure before on his...