People Are Dying In Yemen As The Mainstream Media Obsesses Over Trump’s Tweets And Roy Moore (Video)
Ted Millar
Let me start off by saying I have no problem with the media.
I refer to it and quote it every day in these articles.
I respect our "fourth estate" as a formidable barrier between a free...
In ushering in President Trump, it seems our country is on a downward spiral into history -- 1930s German history to be precise.
On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 the unthinkable happened. America elected perhaps the most ignorant, bigoted, misogynistic pig to the highest office in the country. Donald Trump was Inaugurated on January 21, 2017, and two huge...
One of the many great things about former President Barack Obama is his incredibly sharp sense of humor. As he proved time and again at the White House Correspondent's Dinner, the man can flat-out tell...
815 million people around the world went hungry last year.
This, according to the latest data from the United Nations, is the first increase in global hunger in more than 15 years.
Sweeping initiatives from nations all...
The process of distributing supplies to suffering Puerto Ricans continues, a week after President Donald Trump's visit devastated the island. Three weeks prior, Hurricane Maria appeared to lay down the foundation for Trump's vile trolling...
Here is something you will not hear in the American mainstream media:
"The chance of 'catastrophic' climate change completely wiping out humanity by 2100 is now 1-in-20."
That is a headline from the British Daily Mail, reporting a recent...
Google search is one of the greatest things to ever happen to the world. Need a fact verified or debunked? Google has that covered. Looking for a photo of a beautiful waterfall to use as...
An FBI agent gave his top 5 tips to win a negotiation.
"In tense situations like this, the traditional negotiating advice is to keep a poker face. Don’t get emotional. Until recently, most academics and researchers...
Former Pink Floyd bassist Roger Waters has never been one to withhold his political views.
Just listen to the 1977 album Animals, or 1979's The Wall. We could even go back to the song "Corporal Clegg" from Pink Floyd's...
It wasn't long after my little boy was born, about ten years ago, at the age of 25, that I found out that I was adopted. I knew a lot of people that were adopted...
On April 12, 2016, then-presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held a campaign rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York in which he talked about the "physiology of poverty."
In other words, concern over where...
In the coming days and weeks global climate change will be making quite a splash. A piece of ice approximately 110 miles wide (the size of Delaware) will break off of Antarctica. In the scope of...
President Donald Trump is all about self-sufficiency, which isn't always good for governing a country. We can see that by his proposed budget. Many safety net programs that help poor people are being cut or...
In case we've all forgotten, Joe Biden is still the man. Although it took a while for this little narrative to come out, it was worth waiting for. Last month Biden was a guest speaker...
I was a fifth grade teacher for a lot of years. I've spent countless hours encouraging children to be thoughtful, moral, cooperative members of our classroom community. The idea was to help young people understand...
Another Trump Tangles With A Felon – And It’s NOT A Horrible Thing – Will She Have The Balls To Persist?
Amelia Walker
You would be hard pressed to find anything positive or worthwhile in Trump-related news these days. However, one Trump family member might give you reason to pause.
President Trump's daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, has taken a passionate...
Mark Zuckerberg Calls For Universal Income In Speech At Harvard: Cue Right Wing Freakout (VIDEO)
Amelia Walker
On Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, delivered Harvard's commencement speech. Zuckerberg is pretty well known for his progressive views. However, it still may be surprising to some that he spoke so boldly in...
We all love life hacks. They make our lives just a little bit easier. They make chores quicker. There are hundreds of ingenious hacks out there. Just Google 'best life hacks' and you won't be...
In this digital age we live in, everyone makes the odd mistake. In this case a woman texted an unsuspecting 35 year old man from Wisconsin, thinking it was her daughter Jess. The results were so...