Wednesday, February 19, 2025
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." -Albert Einstein Sometimes you just need to...
Homelessness in America is increasing at a rapid rate. ?At a point in time in January 2012, 633,782 people were experiencing homelessness.?? Homeless people are a transient group. It isn't easy to get an accurate...
  Children's discovery of the world never ceases to be both astounding and heartwarming, their unconditional love of the world around them should be a lesson to us all. Children and horses connect in a way...
In 1999, Steve Fugate's son committed suicide. Six years later, his daughter died of a drug overdose. Fugate is 64 years old now and he has walked across the U.S. seven times to raise awareness...
The spirit of the Barnstormers of the 1920's and the chutzpah of jet pilots like we see romanticized in movies like "Top Gun" are part of the ingredients that make up the firefighting pilots of...
Delving into 200 hours of revealing home video, Sasha Joseph Neulinger tells his story as a survivor of multigenerational abuse.
Early last month legal adviser to Edward Snowden and director of the ACLU Speech, Privacy and Technology Project Ben Wizner told Moyers & Company that it is not Orwell and Big Brother citizens should fear,...
What would you do if someone you loved was diagnosed with cancer? Zach Belden created an Instagram account?for his great-gram and they are having a blast celebrating her life while sharing her battle with cancer...
On March 25, 2014, the Houston Texas Fire Department saved a construction worker from the top floor balcony of a burning building. Since the apartment complex was still under construction, most fire safety features like...
In what is believed to be the only video of its kind, Capt. Will Swenson can be seen on camera carrying out the acts that earned him his Medal of Honor.