Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Now that the millennial generation is the largest generation in the United States, you would think that more candidates would try to speak to their needs. Almost the entire generation will be able to vote...
ice cream
The commercial below is for a brilliant product called the "Squatty Potty." This product has been featured on the NBC Show "Shark Tank" and a number of other media. Robert Edwards is the inventor of the Squatty...
OK, so let's deal with the elephant--er, I mean the donkey--in the room: Some folks thought last night's Democratic debate was boring. No, I'm not saying that was you, or even me, but some people...
Oops! Sorry! This content is no longer available!   Enjoy a video of kitties instead!  
You gotta watch out for those cucumbers. They'll just sneak right up on you. The cat in this video found that out the hard way. He's just minding his own business, eating some food, and then...
Is there anyone more deserving of every possible humiliation more than Donald Trump? I can't think of anyone right off the cuff. He loves to take pot shots at everyone else, but as we saw...
Paul Ryan
Four days ago Speaker of the House Paul Ryan released an Instagram photo with his interns. While the lack of diversity is glaring, it gained more mockery and laughter then it did outrage. The photographed group...
I love late night browsing on the Internet. My husband is celebrating the release of Fallout 4, and I'm sitting here minding my own business when Twitter gives me the greatest present ever - #PickUpLinesForRepublicans....
Tom Green Does The Donald Trump
Comedian Tom Green’s new rap video is a hilarious send up of Donald Trump. But it’s even more enjoyable when you consider that Trump is Green’s former boss. Green, you may recall, was on Trump’s Celebrity...
Seth Meyers has not been kind to the GOP candidates throughout their circus of political campaigning, but they deserve every minute of it, anyway. Saturday's GOP debate, the eighth one scheduled so far, was a clown...
As we learned on Monday, Donald Trump knows less about history than your average two-year-old. His comments regarding former president Andrew Jackson and the Civil War were so utterly ridiculous that comedians have been adding...
ddos, matt drudge
The Drudge Report was hit by a Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attack for about 90 minutes on Thursday, December 29, starting around 7 p.m. EDT, according to the Hill. The news of the attack,...
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Whether you are a supporter of Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton, if you love a good laugh, then you're going to love this Twitter parody of Sanders. 'Bernie Thoughts' are funny, random musings, mostly about food, animals,...
The donald ask the gays
We've had to listen to some pretty nasty, and ridiculous, remarks spewing from Republican frontrunner Donald Trump's mouth over the last year. Now, Trump is saying that he is such a great ally to the LGBT community in...
We've become so reliant on spell check software in this day and time that when we have to write something without computer assistance, we sometimes fall short. Here are some truly great moments in the history of...
It has come to light that Amy Schumer's first time, her first sexual experience, was not with her consent. "My first sexual experience was not a good one." Schumer told Marie Claire magazine: "I didn't think about it until I...
Children are a blessing, but as any parent will tell you, the fact that they have no filter and will say the most awkward things at inopportune moments is what makes lots of parents wonder...
Even before Ivanka Trump’s father, President-elect Donald Trump, won a seat in the White House, women all over the world were putting away their wallets in protest when it came to Ivanka’s clothing line. It...
So Kim Davis is spending Labor Day in jail. Well, when you consider that she refused to do her job, that seems only fitting. But have you ever wondered what Davis must be like around her...