Wednesday, February 19, 2025
For a decade, Stephen Colbert and the folks at Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report" gave far-right lunacy the treatment it deserves--a heavy dose of public ridicule. Two Mondays from now, another Comedy Central personality is poised...
I am a member of a certain group of the population that was able to experience the golden age of after school television. For years, we would rush home to see amazing cartoons like Ducktales,...
One of our favorite things to do is keep track of Slate's Impeach-O-Meter, which tracks the likelihood that President Trump will either resign or be impeached before the end of his designated term in office. Last...
If you had wandered into the gift shop at Trump Tower in New York on Monday, you might have been more than a bit surprised to see some of the new items for sale. Someone gave...
Even though they only broadcast right-wing propaganda on behalf of President Trump and his GOP flunkies, Fox News is good for one thing: Making us laugh at their expense. One of the most annoying and ignorant...
Perhaps you thought President Trump was the only member of the Trump clan who craves constant attention, adoration, and flattery. But it turns out that's an inherited trait, as his daughter, Ivanka, just proved. Ivanka thought...
Here are some of the best late-night TV sketches about President Donald Trump: 1. Conan O'Brian's Phone Calls Between Trump And Obama 2. Stephen Colbert's Trump Monologue I know Colbert almost got fired for this, but I still...
Thursday evening, former Daily Show host Jon Stewart showed up at a show Dave Chappelle was doing at Radio City Music Hall, and he took the stage to hold forth on one of his favorite...
Politicon was held recently and saw many well known, loud, and opposing political voices come together for debates. It saw The Young Turks' Cenk Uygar face off with Ben Shapiro, Ann Coulter versus Ana Kasparian,...
Oh, Heavens to Betsy. Here we go again. We all remember when candidate Donald J. Trump was all huffy and defensive about the size of his manly equipment. After rival Marco Rubio claimed that Trump's small hands...
There's an old saying we've all heard since we were children, and it's still relevant today: He who laughs last laughs longest. Consider that axiom when you think of the pathetic WWE wrestling video Donald Trump...
There are certain qualities that can make a president stand out from previous ones. For example, most people would favor one who ran the country with dignity over a buffoon with a fragile ego. Judging...
In case we've all forgotten, Joe Biden is still the man. Although it took a while for this little narrative to come out, it was worth waiting for. Last month Biden was a guest speaker...
She's clearly the apple of his eye. The daughter he openly lusts after in interviews and visibly favors over his other children. And yet First Daughter Ivanka Trump couldn't be bothered to include her own daddy...
Just in case you missed the announcement, the new American ambassador to Great Britain has officially been named by President Trump. And his name is Woody Johnson. You may now laugh and have whatever beverage you're...
Usually, we have to wait until a presidency is over before we get a presidential library. The Daily Show has already built one for President Donald Trump, but it is a unique one. It is...
When a recent poll asked people to think of one word to describe President Donald Trump, the top response on the list was "idiot." Huh. Let's take a look at the word and its meaning to see if it really,...
As Londoners heard of a nearby terrorist attack and ran for their lives, one man clung tightly to his beer. That TwitPic has since gone viral as a symbol of their resilience. London Bridge Less than two weeks...
Warning: Naughty tweets below. Discretion advised.  The British people are not happy that President Donald Trump is coming to visit them, so they are planning to moon him. The Brits are especially angry at Trump's response to...
It's been a tough week for President Trump. James Comey spilled the beans on him, he had to pretend he had been "vindicated," and then as he headed off to play golf for the weekend...