Oklahoma has completely lost it now. They are trying to pass a law to outlaw ALL abortions. The bill would revoke the medical licenses of any doctors that provide abortion unless the woman's life is...
Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland
Public health officials in California now confirm that a major measles outbreak linked to Disney's theme parks near Anaheim has sickened 32 people in four states. It is believed to be the largest outbreak from...
People who have red hair naturally are an anomaly in the human species. Current estimates state that redheads are only about 1-2 percent of the global population. The cause of red hair was only recently discovered....
plus size pole fitness
  When a beautiful plus-size ?27-year-old mom took the stage in a skimpy outfit at Britain's Got Talent, the judges looked a bit confused by?the pole in the middle of the stage. I'm a chubby chick...
A new study has shown that eating chocolate can boost cognitive function. Published in the Appetite journal, 968 people were evaluated and they showed an increase in cognitive function. Increased chocolate consumption can be: “significantly associated with better performance...
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sex ed schooling quebec
Thinking back on my schooling in Texas, I am reminded of just how sparse talk about human sexuality was. 5th Grade: "You'll get hair everywhere and your voice will get deeper. Now, here's a stick of Right...
Supplements are back in the news, and once again the news is not good. New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued a press release demanding a massive recall of supplements found in major retail stores...
A PhD says that this is the biggest health problem faced by LGBT populations, but the reality often gets overshadowed by suicide and HIV prevention,.
McDonald's First Time Eating
BuzzFeed recently "scoured America" to find the three remaining people who haven't eaten at McDonald's. Here are their reactions to a Big Mac and the famous McDonald's fries -- and it may make you rethink...
Get ready for fresh salad all year round with IKEA's hydroponics indoor gardening kit! From tasty lemon basil to crispy red romaine lettuce; IKEA promises the KRYDDA/VÄXER series will make it super easy to grow...
According to Columbia professor Dr. Carl Hart, Adderall is the crystal meth of the prescription drug game. At least, that's how the brain figures it. In a blog post on Dr. Hart's website, he explains how...
Anxiety disorders are the most common?psychiatric disorders in the U.S., with 19 million adults affected. The psychological and physical (yes, physical) symptoms can be devastating and can affect every aspect of a person's life. Here...
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If the 2016 Presidential election wasn't already a carnival attraction, it sure as hell is now. There are few people in the world I despise more than Donald Trump. I'm sure that sentiment isn't exclusive; there...
Payson High School in Arizona brought in a speaker to talk to the students about sex. This is an important topic to teach in high schools. However, this high school got it wrong. The girls assembly...
In 2011 the Huffington Post reported that 12.7-million people discover they have cancer each year. Also, an additional 7.6-million people die from cancer each year. Unfortunately, the numbers increase each year, and these numbers represent...
If you just finished dinner or are about to eat dinner, I advise you not to read any further. Seriously. Stop now if you want to eat. A 65-year-old man in Sao Paulo, Brazil?was having nose...
In the wake of multiple safety recalls and investigations, General Motors announced that it will be rolling out a new feature that won't let you start the car unless you've fastened your seat belt first....
health management who report bacon
Bacon enthusiasts everywhere have dropped to their knees and cried out this morning as the World Health Organization (WHO) publicly acknowledged that processed meats, including sausage, ham, hot dogs, and bacon, cause cancer. With this...
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Anxiety can really hurt. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA): “Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States aged 18 and...