The maintenance manager of a 674-million-gallon reservoir in the Sierra Nevada foothills is in hot water after he reportedly urinated in the water, causing what can only be called a "code yellow." The manager, named...
Last month a group known as the Al-Khansaa Brigade, an exclusively female faction created by ISIS, released a handy dandy guide for how to be a proper Muslim woman. Recently translated to English for the...
England's MiLK Modeling Agency took note of Tess Holliday because of the massive popularity of her Instagram account, with its racy photos and her #effyourbeautystandards hashtag. The size-22 model became an affirmation to many women...
There are times when I think I've seen it all. I think I've seen the bottom of the barrel when it comes to stupidity. I literally believe it can't get any worse. However, I then...
A beauty pageant turned into?something a bit more ugly and violent recently. At the Miss Amazonas 2015 pageant, Sheislane Hayalla came in at second place; however, instead of giving that strained, yet always classy smile that...