Almost exactly one year to the day, then-candidate Donald Trump boasted he would run the country like he runs his business.
That was music to people's ears if they were hoping a businessman would be able...
On August 13, Sgt. Roshain E. Brooks and Spc. Allen Levi Stigler Jr. lost their lives in Iraq. According to the Department of Defense, the two soldiers were killed in what was called "a mishap" that took...
As criticism continues to swirl around President Trump's statements, denials, and outright lies regarding the death of four Green Berets in the African nation of Niger, it now appears the administration had a response to...
During his press conference in the Rose Garden Monday afternoon, President Trump tried to minimize his tepid reaction to the deaths of four members of the U.S. military by claiming that his predecessors hadn't called...
On October 4, four U.S. special forces members were ambushed and killed in the African nation of Niger. Since then, President Trump has made no comments on the deaths of the American soldiers, but when he...
WATCH: Ex-Bush Adviser – ‘If You Think Iraq Was A Bad War, Wait Until You See Iran’
Jordan Baranowski
President Donald Trump has based nearly his entire political identity on positioning himself as the opposite of former President Barack Obama - the racist birther movement was the beginning of Trump's foray into politics, and...
Air Force Chaplain: Soldiers Who Defend Non-Christians Help ‘Lead Them To Hell’ (TWEET/VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
For the better part of three decades, the religious right has insisted that all it wants is a place at the table for social conservatives and others with "traditional values." But when they think they're...
On Friday, when he wasn't busy pardoning a racist sheriff or giving the boot to a suspected Nazi serving as an adviser, President Trump also found time to issue a formal directive which bans transgender...
President Trump is obsessed with Barack Obama. Just this week, we received another confirmation of that, with foreign diplomats who have met with Trump reporting:
"It's his only real position. He will ask: 'Did Obama approve...
A phone call between Eddie Baza Calvo, the Governor of Guam and President Donald Trump was made public today. Guam, a US territory that is currently under threat of a North Korean nuclear attack. In the...
While on vacation at his golf club in New Jersey, President Trump woke up nice and early Monday morning and fired off several tweets, three of which were aimed at Connecticut Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal,...
J.K. Rowling Waved Her Magic Stylus At A Trumpkin, And The Result Was Glorious (TWEETS)
Darrell Lucus
Whenever you peruse the Twitter feed of a Donald Trump diehard, more often than not that you're going to find something stupid, ignorant, or just plain wrong. Right-wing commentator Tomi Lahren usually serves up all three.
A textbook...
Beyond Deplorable: Trump Blocks Veterans Group On Twitter Because They Criticized Him (TWEETS)
Liberal America
As president, Donald Trump is Commander-in-Chief of America's military forces. But he's also an insecure, narcissistic man-child who cannot take criticism.
The latest example of President Trump's thin skin is demonstrated in what he did to...
For most of Friday night, the political world was roiled by the news that Donald Trump's son-in-law and chief confidant, Jared Kushner, tried to open a secret communications channel between the Trump transition team and Russia--using...
President Donald Trump keeps telling us how much he loves the military.
Last January in Des Moines, Iowa, he held a "fundraiser" for veterans for which he supposedly raised $6 million. It took him nearly four months...
On Friday, Melania Trump and her husband hosted military mothers at the White House as a way of kicking off the Mother's Day weekend. At the gathering, Mrs. Trump commented:
"I, too, am a mother. However,...
Mark Green, a state senator from Tennessee, has withdrawn his name from the nomination as Secretary of the Army. He was President Donald Trump's second pick for the position, as Florida Panthers owner Vincent Viola...
It's no secret that Donald Trump tapped Michael Flynn as a top campaign adviser, and later as his National Security Adviser, despite Flynn's reputation for being incredibly reckless. This was a man who had an illicit...
Trump Needs His Head Examined For Congratulating A Soldier For ‘Winning’ The Purple Heart (VIDEO)
Natalie Dailey
Yes, President Trump has done it again. He congratulated someone for winning the Purple Heart. This is the medal that no one wants!
This guy lost a leg! A leg!
That is not something you congratulate someone for,...
Former Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev has given an ominous warning about what he sees as threatening signs of conflict emerging between the West and Russia. Speaking to German newspaper Bild the Nobel Peace prize winner said:
"All the...