Wednesday, February 19, 2025
did you know
America has been pretty up-tight when it comes to gender roles for a long time, now, but that wasn’t always the case. The Navajo have long recognized four different gender identities, rather than two, and...
Caldwell Presbyterian Church in Charlotte (image courtesy church's Facebook)
Ever since North Carolina passed its outrageously discriminatory and outrageously unconstitutional "bathroom bill," the state's LGBT community has had a lot of reason to live in fear. In the months after House Bill 2 was...
More often than not, the Bible is used to condemn LGBT people. Using the Bible to further discrimination is not a new concept. Over the years, the Bible has been used to condone segregation, condone...
As a lawyer, I hear people extol the virtues of states' rights on a regular basis. In short, it is the doctrine that is meant to protect individual states from interference by the federal government....
How reassuring it is to know that amidst all the problems that face this country--terrorism, racism, discrimination, the resurgence of domestic hate groups--that the Justice Department under new Attorney General Jeff Sessions decided to choose...
In January of 2011, Raymond Buys, 15, began a three-month training course that was supposed to train him to be a game ranger. But that's not quite what happened.Buy's mother said she sent him to...
Jason Rapert anti gay
Senator Jason Rapert of Arkansas has proposed a bill stating that marriage should only cover unions between a man and a woman. The Senator said: "It is not bigoted to say that marriage is between a man...
Dear Mrs. Duggar, Over the years, I have often defended you to friends and in online comments that criticize the life you have chosen for yourself. I've seen and heard comments that describe your family as...
lambda legal director
A gay, Canadian man, identified only as André, has come forward and said that he was not allowed into the United States because of messages on his phone. André says he was stopped from entering when...
There are plenty of ridiculously dumb fundie pastors out there on YouTube. Any extremist with a webcam and a microphone can put out their disgusting rhetoric. Say hello to Dave Daubenmire. This Trump-supporting pastor has his own...
Is nothing sacred for the Republican platform committee, when they meet to draft what defines the party’s official principles and policies? Alongside forced LGBT "conversion therapy," no same-sex marriages, focus on Bible studies in school,...
Wes Goodman, a Republican state legislator in Ohio, made a name for himself with hardline anti-LGBT ideas and his resolute Christian values. That all came tumbling down for him this week, as the married lawmaker...
Many may have been assigned in high school the legendary science fiction author Ray Bradbury's inimitable 1953 dystopic novel Fahrenheit 451. If not, briefly, it's a story about a future America in which books are banned, and...
First they came for those who receive health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Then they came for those trying to enter from Muslim countries. Then they came for undocumented Americans. Next they came for...
Russia is holding an American citizen as a political prisoner. Yes, you read that right. Russia is holding an American citizen as a political prisoner. Why you haven't heard about it is a very good question. WMBA basketball player...
Just days after promising to protect the rights of the LGBTQ community, President Donald Trump has apparently gone back on his word. Over the weekend, new Attorney General Jeff Sessions pulled the federal government’s legal...
Perhaps you've heard of James Dobson. He's the founder and president of a right-wing group known as Focus on the Family, and he's also a massive heap of human excrement who has attacked President Obama...
letter to boyfriend family
Congratulations. You've won. You've earned your ticket into Heaven by showing your son God's love. You've shown your son God's love by not allowing him to bring me to your home for Christmas. You've done exactly...
There are a couple of prerequisites if you want to be a supporter of Donald Trump: You have to be an idiot. You must be willing to hate others on command. You need to be...
For all out there feeling a little demoralized about the class warfare congressional Republicans and President Donald Trump's administration are waging against us, results from Tuesday's elections should lift your spirits. Let's start in Virginia where...