The religious right would like us to believe that all it wants is to give Americans with "traditional values" a place at the table. But occasionally, when prominent fundies think no one else is listening,...
Samantha Heaton works as a waitress at Buffalo Wild Wings in Rockport Illinois. She is hardworking and like many other waitresses earns minimum wage. Most servers in this country depend on tips for a living.
Well imagine...
You may be surprised to hear this, but Muslims in the United States are more accepting of LGBT individuals than Evangelicals are. In a campaign speech last summer, the now President Donald Trump said:
"A Trump...
President Donald Trump tweeted that he wants to ban transgender people from serving in the military. We were all shocked and appalled, but why is he REALLY doing it?
He is pandering to the religious extremists...
Caitlyn Jenner was in the news again last week when she reacted to President Donald Trump's announcement to ban the transgender community from serving in the military. Jenner sent out some tweets and angry statements about...
Last week was the two year anniversary of the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court case, which legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states. The Supreme Court chose that day to announce that they would hear...
President Donald Trump has once again outraged people in the spotlight, and this time it is fellow Republican Caitlyn Jenner. As Trump continues to communicate with the public in quite an unorthodox way, he announced...
Trans Ban In Military: Guess What They Happily Spend Five Times More Money On? (TWEETS/VIDEO)
Jenny Mason
The recently announced 'ban' of transgender people in the military has outraged many. The policy change was announced in a tweet by President Trump and the reason he gave? Cost.
Guess what the military is happy to...
J.K. Rowling Waved Her Magic Stylus At A Trumpkin, And The Result Was Glorious (TWEETS)
Darrell Lucus
Whenever you peruse the Twitter feed of a Donald Trump diehard, more often than not that you're going to find something stupid, ignorant, or just plain wrong. Right-wing commentator Tomi Lahren usually serves up all three.
A textbook...
History was made at the Walt Disney Concert Hall last week. The Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles, otherwise known as the GMCLA performed along with representatives from many faiths. The second act was opened by...
Nearly two-thirds of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community says they feel less safe because of their sexuality or gender identity since President Donald Trump took office. The poll was conducted by SurveyMonkey...
In early June, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced he was calling the legislature into special session in mid-July. The primary purpose will be to tackle must-pass legislation that keeps critical state agencies funded--including the state...
It should come as no surprise to any of us by now that President Donald Trump's administration cares about LGBTQ Americans about as much as he cares about...well...insert whatever minority social group he's belittled over...
RWNJ Pastor Says America Is Led By ‘Satanists,’ But Praises Russia For ‘Morality’ (AUDIO)
Darrell Lucus
In case you missed it, the only reason Donald Trump's head is still above water is that over 70 percent of white evangelicals still back him, even in the face of the nearly daily outrages...
In the U.K., Tesco stores have released white Skittles packages for Pride month.
The candy brand has operated under the slogan, "Taste the Rainbow" for over 20 years. They are giving their rainbow to the LGBTQ...
As part of Pride month, the gym brand Equinox, has made a video expanding the acronym LGBTQ into the entire alphabet. However it has left one group feeling quite excluded. The clever video is visually appealing...
Nutcase NC Congregation Tried To Beat The Gay Out Of A Member And Covered It Up (VIDEO)
Darrell Lucus
For the better part of two decades, a fringe charismatic church in western North Carolina has faced accusations that it subjected its members--including kids--to horrific and even criminal abuse. Well, at long last, the bill...
Woman Admits She Led 30 Of Her Flock In Pummeling A Gay Church Member Because: ‘Homosexual Demons’
Kyle Neven
In court this past Friday, a woman admitted shepherding around 30 parishioners from her church to kidnap and violently, in a biblical spree of hatred, to pummeling a gay church member. How come, you may ask? To...
There was a time when some believed Ivanka Trump would be a moderating influence on her father and guide him in more progressive directions on issues such as climate change, women's rights, and equality for...
In some good news, a push for less discrimination and equality for the LGBTQ has had a win in Oregon. The Governor Kate Brown of Oregon signed a Transgender equality bill and has said the government has...