We live in interesting times.
We may not stop too often to consider it, but as we speak we are at the mercy of a global pandemic the likes of which the world has not seen...
To too many Americans, Free Speech is largely reduced to a weak argument belted in a strong voice when all other excuses fail to justify airing whatever they feel strongly about at that moment.
Several scholars...
Get Ready–The Koch Brothers Are Prepared To Dump Record Sums Into 2018 Mid-Term Elections
Ted Millar
Know anyone who still thinks elections don't matter?
If so, ask that person why right-wing billionaires like the notorious Koch brothers are prepared to spend up to $400 million on upcoming mid-term congressional races, 60 percent more than...
After two days of a partial government shutdown, it appears as though the government will re-open after the Senate voted 81 to 18 to fund operations until February 8.
But the next time someone spouts to...
Resistance is not futile.
On Wednesday, President Donald Trump announced an end to the controversial Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (PACEI), convened in the spring to feed into Trump’s fiction about three to five-million illegal voters casting fraudulent ballots last...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said:
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
One of the promises President Donald Trump made on the campaign trail was to deny millions of refugees admission to...
It's no secret that Donald Trump lies, and lies often. Indeed, he lies so often that we've coined a new term for them--"alternative facts." He lies so often that at least one journalist thinks it's...
Over the last two years--especially since his upset victory--Donald Trump has given us a lot of reasons to question his mental state. His tendency to tell blatant lies and troll in conspiracy theories has left...
On Tuesday, Buzzfeed revealed that in 2015, Congressman John Conyers, the ranking Democrat and former chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, reached a settlement with a former staffer who claimed he'd fired her after she...
A month ago, Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) called the White House an “adult daycare center.”
Before that, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called President Donald Trump a “f***ing moron.”
He, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, and Treasury Secretary Steve...
It appears the walls of reality are beginning to close in on climate change deniers.
Friday, the White House released the fourth National Climate Assessment, which confirms what scientists have been warning us about for decades:...
Thanks To Three Democratic Senators, Trump’s ‘Election Fraud’ Commission Will Be Investigated (Video)
Ted Millar
There is so much going on already this week for which we progressives should be thankful.
But if you're able to tear yourself away from Paul Manafort's indictment, here is something else to look forward to.
For more than half a century, Harper Lee's "To Kill A Mockingbird" has been a staple of eighth and ninth-grade English classes around the country. It's also been a fixture on lists of banned and...
If there's anything consistent about the right, it's that it believes economics are at the crux of every political, professional, personal, social, and environmental decision.
The "free market," they say, "will solve all that ails us."
If you are reading this, it's pretty safe to say you aren't a fan of Fox News.
Chances are, though, you know someone who is.
Perhaps you've even had to argue pesky facts with this person to counter something she...
There is little doubt that Donald Trump's pardon of Joe Arpaio was an outrage. After all, in the absence of something we haven't heard or seen, there is virtually no defensible reason for Trump to effectively...
An incredible, perhaps unprecedented, number of grassroots organizations formed during the 2015-16 presidential campaign season.
As a result, communities all over the country have been turning out local activists to organize, phone-bank, write letters to newspapers,...
On April 12, 2016, then-presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held a campaign rally at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York in which he talked about the "physiology of poverty."
In other words, concern over where...
In recent years, studies have showed that black children are disciplined more severely than their white counterparts in school, and also face more heavy-handed treatment by police and the courts. A recent study from Georgetown...
I was a fifth grade teacher for a lot of years. I've spent countless hours encouraging children to be thoughtful, moral, cooperative members of our classroom community. The idea was to help young people understand...