Wednesday, February 19, 2025
This article is no longer available. The author left Liberal America on bad terms and we reserve the right, for legal reasons, to delete any content that previously appeared on our site. Please browse our...
  After attending the White House's student film festival in February, Bill Nye the Science Guy surprised us by posting on his Instagram this selfie of himself, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and President Barack Obama. The world's renewed...
Last night Bill Nye and Ken Ham both answered and debated?"Is creation a viable model of origins in today's modern scientific era?"?Buzzfeed decided to give some?self-identifying creationists a chance to write a message/question/note to the...
During his debate last night with the Creation Museum president, Ken Ham, science educator Bill Nye made a simple yet profound response to an audience member's question. His answer: "I don't know." The question was how...
It would seem that nothing bothers the religious far-right more than having the U.S. Constitution thrown in their collective face. That was the case in Ohio's Mt. Vernon City School District. John Freshwater was an eighth-grade...
Big Bank Theory Video
We are still experiencing the afterglow of the big bang today -- 13.7 billion years after the event.
Recently more video has surfaced of Rafael Cruz, father of Ted Cruz, talking about evolution, the gays, communism, and of course President Obama. These seem to be favorite topics for Mr. Cruz. As not long...
Scientists at the University of Nebraska are stepping out to let the government know, they won't tolerate political hindrance in matters of science. This comes shortly after the state legislature passed a bill that commissions...
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson is one of the most quotable of the United States' scientists. He outdid himself at Drake University in his lecture for the Martin Bucksbaum Distinguished Lecture series though. During the question-and-answer...
Politically active groups have always sought out, and even paid scientists, to support their agendas. Scientists grapple with the ethical ramifications of research funding. Only truth and fact are useful but no one pays or...
In the 55 years since NASA first began its operations, it has always pushed research into new places, new methods, and new venues. NASA's importance to our country and to our future cannot be overstated....
Bees have long been making news. First there were killer bees, and now the bees are dying, and fast. A new study published in PLoS ONE has given us tantalizing clues into bees' place in...
This week is National Chemistry Week and in honor of our beloved Chem nerds, here are 25 weird chemistry facts you probably didn't know. Today is Mole Day. Every year on October 23 from 6:02am to...
When Texas changed its science curriculum standards, the science and science education community bristled, fearing that the 4-million strong purchasing power of Texas schools would push textbooks publishers to weaken the standards. The language of...
Its eight pm, you're hungry, you're bored. You hear that familiar crinkling of the Oreo tray as if they are calling to you from another planet. An hour later, not much can be remembered, but...
The shutdown continues to cost the American public much, it is also costing humans in general much in terms of compromised medical research. And now, it is dealing a chilling blow to climate change research...
non-sexualized and sexualized avatars
Sure you design your avatar, but does your avatar then have a hand in designing you? Based on the Proteus Effect and objectification theory, a?case study by Stanford researchers?explored whether and to what extent the...
In a ruling that is a victory for everyone who suffers from a genetic predisposition to disease, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled today that human genes cannot be patented. The case that...
This piece was originally a section in another article on which I'm currently working. But there was so much information that I felt it began to take over the entire original article, and I made...