In the first two episodes of the reboot of Cosmos Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson has done an excellent job laying down the basics of time, space, and how life developed on Earth. Because Cosmos is...
Conspiracy theories surrounds almost any threat, and the recent Zika virus is no exception. While the virus has been recognized since 1947 and is so mild that people can become infected and never know it,...
Last week, I was scrolling through Facebook and one of the pages I followed had something about bioluminescent trees. I was naturally curious and so clicked on the link and did a little reading.
This. Is....
Attendance must be slipping at evangelical ringmaster Ken Ham’s Creation “Museum.” The famous young earth creationist is nothing if not media savvy. He has a penchant for generating controversy when he needs an injection of...
My Dear Fellow Lefties,
I’ve always been proud to be called “liberal,” even when the term is hurled as an insult. Hell, especially when it’s hurled as an insult. It’s usually hurled that way by the...
Right up front, let me say that I greatly admire anyone who goes through what it takes to be a medical doctor. They endure nearly a decade of higher education, long hours, and have to...
In this age of digital insecurity--i.e. the Sony hack case and continual reports of people having the information on their computers compromised-- you'd think people would use more secure passwords to protect themselves. You would...
Creationist nut-job, Ken Ham, president of "Answers in Genesis," has opened an absolutely ridiculous "museum" in Kentucky. It is called "The Ark Encounter," and it is a supposedly accurate portrayal of the Noah's Ark story...
The latest international health scare comes in the form of the Zika virus disease. According to the CDC, the Zika virus disease is:
" disease caused by Zika virus that is spread to people, primarily through...
In a disturbing tale that exemplifies the fact that corporations do not act in the best interest of the people, a drug corporation has bought the rights to an AIDS and cancer medication and hiked the...
After Democratic backlash ensued regarding the Biden administration’s decision to maintain the Trump-era cap on refugees permitted to enter the United States, the White House increased the cap.
President Joe Biden’s address to a joint session of Congress was...
I'm sure you've heard that old expression, "Nero fiddled while Rome burned." We now know this is more than likely not true, but there is metaphorical fiddling taking place as we do nothing to combat...
The ticking hands of the death clock care nothing for any plans we have. The hands remain indifferent to those things that we might yet achieve. They have not one shred of sympathy for the grieving loved...
Caffeine Junkie? You Can Now Absorb Your Drug Through The Skin With This Caffeine Bracelet
Liberal America
Absorbing caffeine through the skin with a bracelet? Yes, it's possible, according to the creators of Joule, a new product for caffeine junkies.
Mashable brought attention to the product through its Indiegogo campaign, where their initial fundraising...
A recent study from Washington University St. Louis has found a surprising connection between children's tax bracket and their brain development.
The researchers analyzed over 100 MRI brain scans of children aged 7-12 of various income levels....
God's Work Or Devil's Mischief?
The science fiction of yesterday is here now! People are injecting computer chips into their bodies – but why? Of course, people pierce various body parts and adorn their body with...
Its eight pm, you're hungry, you're bored. You hear that familiar crinkling of the Oreo tray as if they are calling to you from another planet. An hour later, not much can be remembered, but...
By definition, criminal law is the legislation of a state or country dealing with criminal offenses and their punishments.?Over a dozen states have decriminalized marijuana with both Colorado and Washington state making it entirely legal.?There...
NASA Satellite Images Catch Climate Change In Action – Causing Unprecedented Devastation (IMAGES/VIDEO)
Ted Millar
Of course you're not a climate change denier. You wouldn't be reading this on this site if you were.
You realize, of course, though, here in the United States of America, we are in the unique...
Anyone who thinks Ben Carson is a viable alternative to Donald Trump should consider how uninformed he is on science and history. Well, Buzzfeed recently found an example of how uninformed the good doctor is....