Bill Cosby speaking at Frederick Douglass High School in Atlanta (courtesy United States Navy via Wikimedia Commons)
I am hoping by now, you have seen the outpouring of information surrounding Bill Cosby and the rape allegations he is facing. With a new take on the story every day, here is a list...
The battle for the soul of the GOP continues to rage. Senator Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) continues to be at the forefront of that battle, as he appeared at a rally in Mesa, Arizona on Saturday....
Do you have an or 23andMe account? If so, you know it can evince a web of close and distant relatives you never knew you had. Using DNA gleaned from saliva samples, test kits break down people’s nationalities by percentage,...
prevent child sexual abuse
Quick quiz: what's the best way to prevent child sexual abuse? It's devastating to think about, something no parent or loved one would ever want to consider. And yet thinking about how to prevent it is one...
Viral videos can become your claim to fame as a millennial. There is a dark side to social media though, and there are often casualties. High school senior Suleida Zayas says: "It's cool to record a fight. It's...
In court documents obtained by the media today, Dr. Stan Katz was revealed to have testified on behalf of the Los Angeles Unified School District that a developmentally disabled nine-year-old girl sexually assaulted and abused...
Little House On The Prairie star Alison Arngrim became the face of child activism when she single-handedly set out to change something called an "incest exception" in the state of California. Arngrim shared her story at...
It is no secret that the Christian Bible can be used to justify a king's ransom of deplorable acts, including murder, human servitude, and sexual slavery. A couple from Port St. Lucie, Fla. has been...
Go to Joshua Koshinsky's Facebook page (which has now been suspended) and it quickly becomes clear that this is a man who is more than a little obsessed with religion. There are numerous references to Jesus....
Though it's highly unlikely that "19 Kids and Counting" co-star Josh Duggar believes in the concept of karma, it sure is coming back on him in a major fashion. A report by InTouch magazine says that...
sexual abuse melvin just
I actually started writing about the documentary Just Melvin, Just Evil?-- a story about generational sexual abuse -- about eight months ago. It's an important piece, but I had to put it down. I just...
In what may turn out to be one of the most heartless acts in recent memory, a Republican Arkansas ?state legislator "rehomed" a six-year-old girl he and his wife had adopted to a sexual predator...
Most schools in the U.S. have stopped the physical paddling of children. One of the few holdouts is my state, Alabama. During the 2013 - 2014 school year, Alabama spanked over 19,000 children. Rep. Terri Collins,...
Man's fist physical abuse
In a clear moment of physical abuse leading to a $5 million lawsuit and the loss of his job (thank God), a Brooklyn teacher was captured on tape punching his autistic student hard enough to give...
I didn't think the story of the Duggar family could possibly get any stranger, any more bizarre, but I was wrong. Man, was I ever wrong! As it turns out, the Duggars--including Josh Duggar, who is...
A picture of the Nauglers' cabin (from the Nauglers' Facebook)
Yesterday, I told you about Joe and Nicole Naugler, a couple that lives on a 26-acre spread in Breckinridge County, Kentucky--an hour south of Louisville. Last week, they became a cause c?l?bre on the fringe...
There is nothing wrong with a person or group being religious, so long as that religious belief doesn't infringe on the rights of another person. Far too often, however, that is exactly what happens among...
child sexual abuse
Trigger WARNING: This chronicles a true case of child sexual abuse. It is descriptive and graphic. NSFW. I was 10. It was innocent play. A quick and simple brush of my crotch. I didn't seem to...
In an interview with Italy’s La7 television recently, a Trento, Italy, Catholic priest, Don Gino Flaim, made statements that could only be described as disgusting. While being interviewed, the Catholic priest was asked about homosexuality...
Cardinal George Pell, once the Cardinal of Australia, and currently the third highest ranking official in the Vatican, has been charged with a series of historical sex offenses. He is the highest ranking member of the...