Former FBI Director James Comey has been in the headlines for a long time now. Most recently for being controversially fired by President Donald Trump. Before that, he was involved in the investigation into the...
The "Jews vs. Nazis" game cooked up by students at The Lovett School (screenshot courtesy WSB-TV)
A few weeks ago, several current and former students at an elite private school in Atlanta got the bright idea to play a beer pong game that made fun of the Holocaust. They may have thought...
Paul Bailey (screenshot courtesy Troy Bowlby, WBTV)
Lately, whenever Democrats have called for Confederate statues and monuments to be taken down, critics have harrumphed that those monuments were originally erected by Democrats--conveniently forgetting that those decisions were made in a time before...
Jerry Falwell, Jr. (screenshot courtesy WDBJ)
A lot of religious right leaders have remained loyal to Donald Trump in the face of the almost daily outrages from his administration. That includes perhaps the biggest outrage of all that isn't Russia-related--his equivocating stand...
Kevin Swanson (image courtesy Generations)
The religious right would like us to believe that all it wants is to give Americans with "traditional values" a place at the table. But occasionally, when prominent fundies think no one else is listening,...
New York
What do Mark Zuckerberg, The Rock, Jerry Springer, Caitlyn Jenner, and Oprah all have in common? All successful, yes. All celebrities, yes. The other thing that currently binds them all, is that they are considering running...
Affirmative Action
According to the Trump administration, there's a a serious problem plaguing our colleges and universities. It isn't student loan debt. It isn't campus sexual assault. It isn't skyrocketing tuition costs. It's the feeling among white students they're being discriminated...
On Monday, Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) called for Betsy DeVos to remove her acting civil rights chief, Candice Jackson, for "callous" comments about campus sexual assault. Jackson said that "90 percent" of campus rape allegations: “...Fall into...
After a few months of relative quiet, U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos finds herself once again in the headlines for her conflicts of interest with for-profit colleges. The Obama Administration set in place policies requiring the U.S. Education...
At least 10 incoming freshmen have had their admission to Harvard revoked over racist memes shared in an exclusive Facebook chat. There was a Facebook group for the Harvard class of 2021. A group of 100...
I was a fifth grade teacher for a lot of years. I've spent countless hours encouraging children to be thoughtful, moral, cooperative members of our classroom community. The idea was to help young people understand...
These girls were banned from prom and track over their hair extensions. Meet Mya and Deanna Cook: The school policy says no hair dye or hair extensions, but the white kids were allowed to have streaks...
This fall, college students are going to be slapped with even more debt when borrowing for college. President Donald Trump has proposed eliminating subsidized federal student loans, which will significantly raise interest rates for student...
A restaurant sign warning about food allergies (image courtesy Mlheco, available under a Creative Commons BY-SA license)
We've all heard stories about kids literally being hounded to suicide by long and sustained campaigns of bullying. But The Washington Post recently uncovered a scary phenomenon in which bullying can kill--literally. In recent years,...
This week, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos gave a speech at the American Federation for Children Summit 2017. She keeps talking about school choice, but she seems to be skimping on the details of how that...
On Sunday, dozens of graduating students at Notre Dame University walked out when the person speaking at their commencement ceremony, Mike Pence, began his address. If you missed it, here's video: The students said they were...
From the moment she was nominated by Donald Trump to serve as Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos has been under fire from those concerned that her unorthodox views on how to best educate students could...
A new series of bills passing in various states around the country are calling for "academic freedom," which sounds good and all. However, these bills are being used to teach that creationism and evolution are...
North Carolina state senator Brent Jackson at a Donald Trump rally in Selma, North Carolina (image courtesy Jackson's Facebook)
The Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly may have set the standard for legislative pettiness and vindictiveness last year. When Charlotte passed an ordinance giving transgender individuals the right to use the bathroom matching their...
Betsy DeVos, President Donald Trump's completely unqualified Education Secretary, faced a tough crowd today. DeVos was invited to speak at the graduation ceremony for Bethune-Cookman University, an historically black university (HBCU) in Daytona Beach, FL....