Last Friday in a move that proves for some judges law doesn't matter, only what your pastor has told you, the Nebraska Supreme Court denied a request from a 16 year old ward of the...
If you've been at all paying attention the past year, you know the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue doesn't really care much about us--unless we're rich, or part of the 34 percent still holding...
We see the headlines every year, particularly now, around the holidays.
In the richest country in world history--where Congress pays corporations to keep their workforces poor, where wealthy tax cheats benefit more from coronavirus pandemic relief...
Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s HUGE Announcement About Marijuana Changes EVERYTHING (VIDEO)
Natalie Dailey
The United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch made a big announcement about marijuana. One of the most popular arguments against the legalization of marijuana is the false belief that marijuana is a "gateway drug."
People think that...
Amazon, JP Morgan Chase, And Berkshire Hathaway Announce A Joint Venture–Healthcare (Video)
Ted Millar
Chances are you've recently purchased something from
Maybe it was books. Maybe clothes. Maybe an appliance or a tool. Maybe you streamed a movie or an Amazon series. Maybe you even bought groceries.
Sometime in the...
Remember in 2016 when Trump famously claimed, "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters"?
Shooting someone wouldn't cost him support.
But the COVID vaccine certainly is.
Many of...
The blatant disregard for human life emanating from the Republican party is not something we might not have expected in an America of yesterday.
But as Donald Trump, right-wing hate media, and deep-pocketed right-wing groups get...
With California facing one of the worst droughts in its history, Governor Jerry Brown (D) had to declare a state of emergency back in January. Since then, the state has had to deal with multiple...
In just the past year and a half, the Trump administration’s war on immigrants has perpetrated the following crimes against humanity:
Created a phony university to entice undocumented immigrants;
Suggested fortifying Trump’s racist border wall with a snake- or alligator-infested...
Pointing out the idiocies of Donald Trump is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel and, to most people's minds, no more than he deserves. But is it just that he's dumber than dumb,...
The Food and Drug Administration today opened this page to allow comments on a proposed regulation change involving the word "natural" on food packages. The issue boils down to this: four different petitions cropped up...
They're called "long-haulers".
They're victims of Covid-19 in a separate category from the 80% who experience mild symptoms and those complaining of severe symptoms for three to six weeks.
They're a combination of the two, battling lasting...
We've likely all heard the cliche, "Every cloud has a silver lining."
Triteness aside, like most hackneyed phrases, it bears some truth.
Sometimes it takes a little effort to put a positive spin on unfortunate events, but...
We here in real America should be growing accustomed to wearing masks in public, avoiding crowds, social distancing, and rubbing our hands raw with prodigious amounts of hand sanitizer.
We here in real America have to...
What is the greatest threat to global public health?
Many will argue it's COVID-19.
That's a reasonable claim since, as of this writing, there are 41,645,545 total confirmed cases in the United States alone, and 666,806 Americans...
Colorado has a referendum to put on their November ballot. They are looking to replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) with a state wide, single-payer health insurance.
ColoradoCare will offer comprehensive health care with everything from...
Everything You Think You Know About How To Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Is Wrong (VIDEO)
Liberal America
Quick quiz: what's the best way to prevent child sexual abuse?
It's devastating to think about, something no parent or loved one would ever want to consider. And yet thinking about how to prevent it is one...
Last week, New York became the first state to institute a tuition-free college plan since state schools nationwide ended the practice in the 1960s.
Now, a mere two signatures are all that's required to cause New Yorkers to stand up...
The fight for, and against, legal marijuana is heating up all across the country and is becoming a national health crisis. Only a few states so far have taken the plunge and outright legalized recreational...
Who is Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation Of America (PPFA), anyway? Yesterday, I watched as the misogynistic-led, anti-choice House Oversight Committee grilled her on phony videos about fetal tissue for nearly five grueling...