This Video Sums Up Our Useless Educational System Perfectly

The following video resonated with me like a cannon shot in an empty cave. I believe most of us at some point in our lives had the exact same sentiments regarding our “education.” But of course we forget about those reservations almost as quickly as they come to mind.

Why do they teach us in the manner they do? Is there a better way to educate our children? Is there a better way to educate ourselves? Education is at the very heart of civilization and when it starts to stagnate, it’s not hard to figure out the results — just look at the most popular reality TV shows. Does it have to be this way? Can we change our course?

I think we can see change, but like many established systems it’s going to take a long hard fight to change the way things are done. For one, there is the issue of money. And I’m not just talking about the money it takes to change, but also the money the old system makes a lot of people. When we start talking about things like the school-to-prison pipeline for minorities, or legalizing marijuana. You also have to look at the people making money off of the current system. The status quo survives because it benefits enough people to make it viable. With regard to the education system, who benefits from not changing anything?

Now I’m not going to point fingers at teachers, however I will ask any teacher watching this video to strongly consider the message. Maybe you’ve felt the same way for some time now. I think it’s time to stop just noticing the problem and kicking the can down the road for the next person to figure out. If we want anything accomplished in this lifetime, then the time to do something is NOW.