Powdered Alcohol Just Approved By Feds. Yes, Powdered Alcohol!

I have to admit, when I first read the headline, I did a double-take: “Powdered Alcohol Gets Green Light From Feds.” Then I had to stop for a moment and ask myself: Have I had anything to drink today? No? Hmm…maybe this is a sign that I need to go fix myself a cocktail. Seeing as how it was only 2:30 in the afternoon, I decided not to.

Image Via Flameville.com

As it turns out, however, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) has indeed approved the sale of ?a product named Palcohol in four varieties. However, the ATF was quick to note that all states can still regulate the sale of any alcohol product within their borders, which is existing law.

Several states do not welcome the advent of Palcohol, with the most vocal opposition so far coming from Colorado, where the state legislature has already introduced a bill which would temporarily ban the sale of all powdered alcohol products. Colorado has cited the potential for abuse by minors and the ease with which a person could sneak such a product into a public event. Other opponents have raised the specter of people snorting Palcohol.

Palcohol would be sold in a pouch and could be mixed with water to produce an alcoholic beverage.

According to statements on the corporate website for Palcohol, sales will begin as soon as this summer. The founder, Mark Phillips, has said he came up with the idea for his product because he wanted a way to have a drink after hiking or other activity, but he didn’t like having to carry heavy bottles. Am I the only person here who wants an oxygen tank instead of a drink after a long hike?

So now we have powdered booze, and you have to wonder what’s next. Will smokers just inject their nicotine to save time? Will all those who long for a good caffeine jolt decide to start inhaling powdered coffee?

And the most pertinent question of all: Is this a great country, or what?