9 False ‘Facts’ That Everyone Just Automatically Believes

We think we know the difference between fact and fiction, but do we really? We have been taught so many facts over the course of our lives, we start to just automatically believe them. But here are nine we should have left behind:

Common Sense



We each have five senses, right? No, not exactly true. Modern neuroscience has identified at least 9 senses, and some lists will even include 21 senses. The most common additions to these lists include pain, temperature, recognition, and interoceptors, which are sensory receptors that detect stimuli within the body.

Napoleon Complex


We’ve always heard that Napoleon was short, but he was actually 5’6″, which was around the average height for men at the time. He was thought to be short because  he was always surrounded by his “Imperial Guard,” which were required to be at least 6 feet tall.

Blind as a Bat


Anyone who has a strong eyeglass prescription has probably heard this one more than a few times in his or her life. I sure have. Yes, bats use echolocation to locate prey and obstacles in the darkness, but they have fairly good eyesight which they rely on in the daylight hours.

Say Crack Again


If you’ve ever cracked your knuckles around someone else, no doubt you’ve been warned that you’re going to get arthritis because of doing that. Totally false. The cracking noise comes from the releasing of small air bubbles in your joints, and it has no harmful effect on your joints. So crack away!

Color Me Surprised


Most chameleons are actually unable to change their color to hide themselves from predators. Instead of camouflage, chameleons use this color-changing ability to communicate. And also to star in paint commercials.

Mating Mania


Many people will point to penguins as a species other than humanity in which monogamy exists, believing that penguins mate for life. In truth, though, a penguin is likely to have several mates in its lifetime.

Brain Power



For some odd reason, there is a  belief that human beings only use 10% of their brains and that we will somehow find a way to unlock the full potential of our minds. This is false. Each part of the brain is important for our various functions.

Hot Heads


You’ve probably heard that most of your body heat escapes from your head. This is actually not true. Your body heat is evenly dispersed throughout your body and escapes equally through your arms, legs, torso, and everywhere else.

Gumming Up the System



Mom probably told you you shouldn’t swallow your gum or it’ll be in your body for 7 years.  It’s true that our bodies can’t digest gum, but the stay is actually pretty short. Chewing gum will make its way out of you along with your digested food a few days after consumption.

h/t and All Images: BrainJet