Reince Who?! Ben Carson Gives GOP Chairman X-Rated Name, And Social Media Explodes!

Maybe you didn’t catch it–I sure didn’t, no doubt because I was too busy yelling at the TV screen–but at last night’s Republican debate, Dr. Ben Carson was asked if he would indeed bolt the GOP and run as an independent, something he hinted at earlier this week. To which Carson replied that he had spoken with GOP chairman Reince Priebus.

Only when he said it, it came out as Reince Pubis.

Social media lit up like the proverbial overlit Christmas tree you see on your neighbor’s yard. Here’s some of what was dished out in response to Carson’s flub:

The only way Carson and Priebus can ever overcome this slip of the tongue: Both of them have to join the witness protection program and have their names changed. Otherwise, millions will be Reincing their Priebuses for years to come.

h/t AddictingInfo