Idiot Boy Fox Host Jesse Watters Falls For Fake Houston Shark Photo And Gets Humiliated

Even though they only broadcast right-wing propaganda on behalf of President Trump and his GOP flunkies, Fox News is good for one thing: Making us laugh at their expense.

One of the most annoying and ignorant of all the Fox News hosts is Jesse Watters, who for many years was a protegé of serial sexual harasser Bill O’Reilly. Watters is now one of the brainless desk jockeys who are given an hour of time each evening on a show called The Five.

Monday evening, Watters made reference to a tweet he had seen earlier in the day. This tweet:

Holy cow! A shark swimming down a flooded highway in Houston!

This led Watters to exclaim:

“I’ve seen some amazing things out there just looking at television. Alligators on people’s back door steps. I saw a shark on a highway swimming in the water.”

Co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle added:

“Like Sharknado.”

Then Watters mused:

“There’s some really weird biblical things that are going on down there in Houston. I can’t imagine how I would be experiencing that as a guy from the northeast but I think Texas has it figured out.”

Just one tiny problem, Jesse: The whole thing is a fake, and you fell for it:

So the next time you hear Donald Trump or one of his propagandists at Fox News whine about “fake news” at the real news networks, keep in mind Fox fell for a Houston highway shark. Apparently the dolts at Fox News have never heard of that wonderful invention the rest of us call Google search.

Everyone come and see the idiot:

Featured Image Via Fox News Screengrab