We all know what a bullshit argument it is to say that religious people have the right to discriminate against LGBT people due to their personal beliefs when it comes to providing goods and services. That is just the same as racists saying that their beliefs should allow them to not serve people of other races. However, believe it or not, here in the year 2013, ?the state of Arizona is voting on a bill that would, effectively, legalize hate against LGBT people. According to HRC’s blog, SB 1178 would amend Arizona’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, allowing businesses to refuse goods and services to LGBT people based upon their religious beliefs.

SB 1178

This is a scary bill, because it would essentially ?mean that LGBT people could legally be cut out of society in the state of Arizona- just for existing. We already can be fired, evicted, and denied public services just for being who we are in 29 states, one of which is Arizona. However, passing this bill into law would make it all the more difficult to write protections into law, and it would increase hostility against our community tenfold from people who would already wish us ill. Legal permission to hate is unacceptable in a supposedly free country. If you are in Arizona, call your Senator and urge a vote of “no” on SB 1178.

Shannon Barber is a self- described queer feminist and activist for LGBT rights, women’s rights, and secular rights in America. She is a lifelong lover of words, though her educational background is in computer science. She currently writes for 3 liberal websites, and keeps her own?Humor Blog?for lesbians. She hopes to change the world, one mind at a time.

Follow Shannon on?Facebook?and?Twitter, or check her out on?Addicting Info?and?A Gurlz Guide

Edited by: CB


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