There are few things that make me completely outraged. Open and overt homophobia is at the top of that list. There is a Facebook page that is actively promoting itself entitled Heterosexuals Inspiring Pride. Now, everyone knows that we are in an intense legal struggle for LGBTQ rights at the moment, and that June is Pride Month, which makes a page like this all the more odious.

A glimpse of a few posts, as well as the page description, shows that this group is nothing but a perverse parody of something that is sacred to the LGBTQ community- Pride. A little history about why June is Pride Month.

On June 28, 1969, the beginning of the modern LGBTQ rights movement began. It was borne out of what is now called the Stonewall Riots. On a dark, steamy night that year, the Stonewall Inn, a New York City gay bar, was raided. There were many raids back then, and it was even seen as routine. However, that night, the patrons of Stonewall Inn decided that they were not going to take the police brutality and discrimination any longer. They rushed into the streets, inciting riots that would last into the night. This is why June is Pride Month, which makes all this “Heterosexual Pride” BS all the more enraging.

Pride is sacred. Don’t like us? Fine. But do not show up at the one celebratory time of each year where we can TRULY be ourselves. We should not have to assimilate so much into a society that is so hostile to us 99% of the time and mock something that means so much. Have you no humanity at all? To give a frame of reference-and I can say this, as I am both black and gay-heterosexual “pride” pages, marches, t- shirts, and anything else is the equivalent of a white person raising his or her fist and shouting “white power.” Now, do you guys really want to be that person? I didn’t think so. Take this page and others like it down, if only for the sake of basic human decency.

Edited and published by WP


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