If at first you don’t succeed, hide it and hide it again; it the bill seems to be the GOP’s new motto. Texas tried to sneak through anti-choice legislation at the end of a special session and changed the time stamp to make it look like it passed in time. Then North Carolina tried to add anti-choice legislation to a bill to prevent foreign laws from influencing State legal proceedings. When that didn’t work, they attached the legislation to a bill about motorcycle safety and the twitterverse exploded with the hashtag #vaginamotorcycles.
Apparently not but they may want to reconsider because rumor has it that the Vagina Motorcycle Gang is coming to town.
They have a very important message for the legislature:
And some helpful advice for additional legislation:
Then to wrap it up with a joke:
And a book in the works:
As funny as the tweets and comments are, this issue is no laughing matter. The legislature has passed the Motorcycle Abortion Bill 74 – 41 and it is just one of many increasingly restrictive regulatory bills that are designed to restrict abortion rights to the point of extinction. We need to stand up against the increasing regulations or we will see our right to choose virtually disappear as it has in Mississippi.
Edited and published by WP.